Is File Collection static?

I found out that I can save the search (FIND) and then use it in my favourites. As an example, I have given the search result the name "gems (cache):

2024-06-19 11 07 08

Is the FileCollection stored there static or dynamic? By dynamic I mean that every time I call this up under my favourites, the search is carried out again.

This is static in my case, but I would like to have dynamic behaviour.

You can create dynamic file collections...

be cautious with how you set them up... I set one up up for a movie collection on a 6 tb hdd. That was set to refresh every time I boot\started dopus. Forgot how I set up as it up as I was play. It took me a couple weeks to figure out while dopus was spinning my media drive for a couple mins every I reboot. :joy:

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Thanks for the quick help. I now understand that "File Collection" is a kind of "snapshoot", and "Stored Query" is what I want. DOPUS is getting cooler and cooler. :slight_smile:

It is very cool, fun, and powerful!!

Keep coming back to the forum and you'll learn all kinds of tricks it can. The buttons treads in particular .

I've been using it 4 years, I'm still a total newbie.