I set up dopus in a way that when i click F2 with multiple files selected it opens the advanced rename dialog(thanks btw for the help on the forum about that). But when i have multiple files selected i never want to use "default rename" but search/replace or regexp or a custom present. I would like to set up this as default for the dialog or for the case that multiple files are selected. So is it possible to set a default rename present ?
Something else: Is there a Tag or possibility with regexp to address the part of a filename which all selected files have in common? (only if that is the case with the selection)
Add a button. Right click toolbar, Customize. Select Commands, and select the Rename command. Drag it to where you want on a toolbar.
Then, right click that new button an Edit. Select Advanced. Paste the following in the edit area. It will set your button to open the Rename dialog in advanced mode, using the regexp preset. Should be self-explanatory after that.