Is there a command to fully expand a tree?

I often have a folder structure that may have many levels, but not with a lot of files in it. I would like to expand the entire folder structure in one click so I can see what is there.

I couldn't find anything about such a command, and tried what I thought would be logical like "Shift-Click" on the "+" next to the folder.

Is there such a command? If not, then this would be an enhancement request.

I think if you click on the branch and then press the + key twice it'll expand everything under it. Or possibly the * key. (not at my PC so I can't confirm).

Neither the "+' or "*" seem to do anything.

It's in the manual:!Documents/Folder_Tree.htm

Note you need to use the keys on the numeric keypad.


Numlock makes all the difference! Thank you.