Is there a way to filter folders like "_vti_cnf" when viewing, copying folders etc....?
I don't know what that folder is but you can hide it from view with a filter on its name (or using the hidden attribute and telling opus not to show files with it on) and you can stop it being copied using the Copy Filter.
You can also hide it and/or other folders by going to customize mode and dragging the "Hide Folders Field" command to a toolbar. Once you exit customized mode you'll see a field there you can type the name of any folder in to hide it from the current view. And while it's hidden that folder is excluded from file operations.
You can hide more than one folder by typing something like this in that box:
(_vti_cnf|folder 2)
I think only in the current directory, though. Recursive operations like Copy will, I think, still include folders with that name that exist in subdirectories, unless a Copy Filter is used.
(i.e. When running a recursive command like Copy, hiding them from view is no different to not selecting them.)
Good point nudel. Because I rarely (if ever) copy like that it didn't occur to me.
For the benefit of KingSparta, here is basically what we're talking about.
If you use my suggestion to hide folders using the hide folders field, it will hide any immediate folders named "_vti_cnf". However if that folder name also exists in any subfolders that are not hidden, then those other "_vti_cnf" subfolders will not be exempt from whatever you want to do. Whereas using a copy filter would exempt them all.
And also while both nudel and I have been talking about hiding folders, filtering using either method could be modified to show only folders with names like "_vti_cnf".
Well to be honest Nudel, I never quite understood the need for them either.
It is far more interesting to note how different browsers interpret html either the same or differently.
They are Front Page Extensions.
Front Page uses them to communicate with the server.
I guess they are also there to help a client computer view the page properly and support Microsoft FrontPage extras.
They create a folder in every Dir on the server named _vti_cnf .
The files in these folders mirror the current Dir.
I've never understood the content.
Here's the content of one of the files that I recovered from an archive of mine.
vti_timelastmodified:TR|05 Feb 2001 05:00:00 -0000
vti_timecreated:TR|05 Feb 2001 21:09:54 -0000
vti_syncwith_islander\:80/shipwrecked:TR|05 Feb 2001 21:12:27 -0000
vti_metatags:VR|HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type text/html;\\ charset=windows-1252 GENERATOR Microsoft\\ FrontPage\\ 4.0 ProgId FrontPage.Editor.Document
vti_generator:SR|Microsoft FrontPage 4.0
vti_nexttolasttimemodified:TR|05 Feb 2001 20:54:34 -0000\:80:TR|05 Feb 2001 05:00:00 -0000
vti_cacheddtm:TX|05 Feb 2001 06:00:00 -0000
vti_cachedlinkinfo:VX|S|glass.jpg D|clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95
vti_cachedsvcrellinks:VX|FSUS|glass.jpg NDUS|clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95
vti_syncwith_localhost\\m\:\\xat/m\:/xat:TR|05 Feb 2001 05:00:00 -0000
vti_syncwith_localhost\\k\:\\test/k\:/test:TR|05 Feb 2001 05:00:00 -0000
At the time I was beginning to learn PHP.
I soon realized I didn't need FrontPage anymore, and these folders became a nusance.
The problem is that , at least at that time as I recall, I didn't have the Unix Permissions to delete these folders.
One must have ownership of the file or dir before permissions can be changed in Unix.
On the other hand, if one finds FrontPage useful as I know people do, power to them !
:opusicon: Porcupine
porcupine has it right they are frontpage folders that do not show up as hidden. and i have about 500 of them in all the sub folders and is more of a pain in the ass than they are good but they help frontpage to keep track of the files.
trying to hunt down 500 folders to make them hidden is a bit much, and i don't think you can do a "find" on a folder and select them all and make them all hidden.
Frontpage was created by Vermeer Technologies Inc (VTI) and Microsoft bought the beginnings of frontpage from them.
You can! Select them all after doing a Find and use the Properties dialog, or use the Set Attributes command in Opus.
If I want really want to hide particular folders everywhere they occur, I use a filter in my folder formats.
Go to Preferences > Folders >Folder Formats > (Folder Format Name) > Filters.
I use this filter on my Local Drives folder format:
NOTE: You cannot see the the left paren in the folder list below, but the format is (Folder Name-01|Folder Name-02|...|FolderName-nn). Remember that using this technique will hide the named folders everywhere they occur!
kenalcock you the man