Is there a way to load .OCB via commandline? Silent deploy

The Prefs command lets you import config backups. e.g.

Prefs RESTORE=replace,all FROM "c:\custom\install\diropus11_5\opus_config.ocb"

To run the command from outside of Opus, you can use dopusRT.exe:

"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusRT.exe" /cmd Prefs RESTORE=replace,all FROM "c:\custom\install\diropus11_5\opus_config.ocb"

It's also worth noting that the configuration is just files, so you can also copy files into the user's config folder as part of your deployment, if that is easier than getting Opus to restore a config backup. These two guides have details on the config folders if you want to go down that route instead:

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