HOW TO: Backup or locate your Opus configuration (Advanced)

See Also: HOW TO: Backup or locate your Opus configuration (Simple)

Everything that can be configured in Directory Opus is stored in one of three general settings folders, each of which can be quickly accessed by typing the appropriate Folder Alias in the Path field. The Backup & Restore function will back up and restore nearly everything in your configuration. If have a USB license, the Backup & Restore function will also export nearly everything to your USB drive as well.

Below are the descriptions of all the Opus settings folders. Except as explicitly noted, each folder is included during Backup & Restore and when exporting Opus to a USB drive.

IMPORTANT: The content of these folders is managed by Opus and the folders are not generally places where you should add your own files. Unless otherwise stated, do not assume that random additional files placed in or below any of these folders will be included in your config exports or backups. In some cases, files added to config directories may even be deleted automatically as Opus may think they are part of obsolete/deleted configuration entries or old cached data that is no longer needed.

  1. /dopusglobaldata - Stores global data about your Opus installation affecting all users.
    • Buttons - Stores clean copies of all default Opus toolbars.
      • Applications.dop
      • Drives.dop
      • Images.dop
      • NerOpus.dop
      • Office.dop
      • OpenOffice.dop
      Backed Up=No, Exported to USB=No By default, this folder only stores copies of the default toolbars shipped with Opus, which do not need to be backed up. The default toolbars here are copied to a user's profile only when the toolbar of the same name does not exist under the user's button folder, or when a command is invoked to recreate a default toolbar. You only need to backup this folder, if you have chosen to use it to deploy your own toolbars to all users on the PC. The toolbars that each user has created, imported, or customized are stored elsewhere.
    • Global Data
      • globaldata.omd - Stores meta data about your Opus installation, including your registration code.
      Backed Up=No, Exported to USB=Yes Backup is not required. (See note under dopus.cert below.)
    • Icons - Stores Icon Sets available to all users.
      • Opus8Icons.dis - The Opus 8 Icon set.
      Backed Up=No, Exported to USB=Yes (merged with user's Icon Sets) By default, this folder only stores copies of the additional Icon Sets shipped with Opus, which generally do not need to be backed up. You only need to backup this folder, if you have chosen to use it to deploy Icon Sets to all users on the PC. The Icon Sets that each user has installed individually are stored elsewhere.
    • dopus.cert - Your installed License Certificate.

      Backed Up=No, Exported to USB=Yes Backup is not required. (See note below.)

      NOTE: It is not recommend to back up your meta data (registration code) and installed certificate. Restoring either of these files will most likely not work anyway. Instead, just keep the Certificate block and the registration code GPSoftware provided you in a safe place. After installing the Opus installation package, you can register Directory Opus from the command line, silently and unattended, by using the following commands inside an NT Command (.cmd) script.

      :: Register Directory Opus
      Set OpusEXE=%ProgramFiles%\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe
      Set CertFile=%CertFilePath%\Certificate.txt
      Set RegCode=■■■■
      "%OpusEXE%" /cert "%CertFile%" /regcode %RegCode% /norun
  2. /dopuslocaldata - Stores data about the current user's Opus configuration.
    • Icon Cache - Stores cached icons to improve startup time.

      Backed Up=No, Exported to USB=No Backup is not required and is generally undesirable as the data can be re-generated as needed.

      Note: Do not put your own files into the icon cache folders; they may be deleted when Opus prunes or re-builds the cache.

    • State Data - These files store the things like: the most recently typed folder paths and dialog strings, Plugin configuration data, various lister window settings, et cetera. This is referred to as "Local State Data" in the Backup & Restore wizard.

      WARNING: It is generally not recommended to manually backup and restore state date between two Opus installations that are running on different Windows versions. Some Opus state data is not compatible on all Windows versions, and may cause issues. Thus, it is generally safer to let the Backup & Restore Function backup and restore this data, which proactively addresses many such issues. When you are running Opus on an unsupported Windows version (such as any beta or release candidate), using Opus state data from Opus running on an earlier Windows version often causes issues. Therefore, it is recommended that you disable the "Backup local state data" option on the Select Backup Options page of the Backup & Restore wizard, until GPSoftware releases an Opus version that officially supports the new Windows version.

    • Thumbnail Cache - Stores cached thumbnails that Opus displays in Tiles and Thumbnails view modes.

      Backed Up=No, Exported to USB=No Backup is not required and is generally undesirable due to potential size and file path changes between different PCs.

  3. /dopusdata - Stores most of the data about the current user's Opus configuration.
    • Buttons - Stores all toolbars and buttons on them, each inside a single .dop file.
    • Collections - Stores all File Collections, each inside a single .col file.
    • ConfigFiles - Stores all Preferences settings, inside several .oxc files (each file is not necessarily equal to a Preferences section). All Favorites are stored inside a single .ofv file and All SmartFavorites inside a single .osf file.
    • FileTypes - Stores all File Type settings, each inside a single .oxr file. Collectively stores all File Type Group settings inside a single .oxr file.
    • Filters - Stores Filters, each filter inside a single .ofi file.
    • Formats - Stores all Folder/Content Type/Default/Favorite Formats inside of several .off files. Many of these .off files store many different formats, while some store only one format.
    • Icons - Stores all Icon Sets installed by the user, as the complete .dis file.

      Note: While nothing is stopping you placing your own additional .ico (or whatever) files in or below the Icons folder, only *.dis files directly below the folder will be included in config exports and backups.

    • Images - Stores all Image files the user has added to Opus, either individually or by applying a theme.

      Note: Only images which are listed under Preferences - Display - Images will be included in config exports and backups. Just placing an image in or below the Images folder does not mean it will be exported or backed-up.

    • Icon Cache Roaming - Stores icons which have been automatically generated/cached by Opus.

      Backed Up=Yes, Exported to USB=Yes

      Note: Do not put your own files into the icon cache folders; they may be deleted when Opus prunes or re-builds the cache.

    • Layouts - Stores all Lister Layouts, each inside a single .oll file. A subfolder here also stores special layouts provided for use with certain Opus utilities.
    • ListerStyles - Stores all Lister Styles, each inside a single .ols file.
    • Logs - Stores all Output Window Undo and FTP logs.

      Backed Up=No, Exported to USB=No Backup is not required and is generally undesirable, since the logs should be PC-specific.

    • Photo Sharing - Stores all synchronization data for Photo Sharing accounts that support synchronization.
    • Rename Presets - Stores all Rename Presets the user has created in the Advanced Rename Dialog, each inside a single .orp file.
    • Scripts - You can use this folder to store any scripts (.cmd, .vbs, etc.) developed for use with Directory Opus.

      Backed Up=Yes, Export to USB=Yes Opus does not actually create this folder, but if it does exist, the Backup & Restore function will back it up and restore it along with the rest of your Opus configuration.

    • Script Add-Ins - Stores script add-ins, as seen under Preferences - Toolbars - Scripts.
    • Sounds - Stores all Sound files the user has added to Opus, either individually or by applying a theme.
    • TabGroups - Stores all Folder Tab Groups, each inside a single .otg file.
    • Themes - Stores all installed Opus Themes, each inside a single .dlt file.

      NOTE: In this context, do not confuse an installed Opus Theme with your currently applied Opus Display preferences. Here, we are talking about all Opus themes that appear listed in the Lister Themes dialog (which are stored as .dlt files). We are not talking about your currently applied Opus Display settings (that are stored under the ConfigFiles subfolder), which could also be correctly referred to as a theme.

      Backed Up=No, Exported to USB=No You should manually save any Opus themes that you: download, create, or customize. The Opus Backup & Restore function skips this folder by-design.

    • User Data - You can store anything you wish in this folder and it will be included in configuration backups and USB exports.
    • UserCommands - Stores all User Commands, each inside a single .ouc file.