Is there an offline manual, my network is slowly

I wonder if there are chm or pdf file for DOpus manual ?

Not for Opus 13, at least currently. We don't currently have a good way to turn the new wiki-based documentation into a PDF.

There is a PDF manual for Opus 12, although it will obviously be out of date in places. You can download that via Download Opus - Directory Opus Self-Service Support - Select Download Opus on the left, then select version 12 from the drop-down at the top and the PDF manual is at the bottom of the file list.

what would be the total number of months for the Opus 13 manual to be written?

There is already a manual for Opus 13, it's just a website rather than a PDF format.

what I have come to know from reading the manual is it's not detailed, like the definitions for all of the color settings is not present in it

We don't plan to document every single color setting as most should be self-explanatory and the main ones people might want to edit tend to have examples right next to them.

If there are particular ones that are unclear we can document those.

How to create a custom theme in Dopus 13 is also a good resource if you want to know what the colors affect in detail (particularly the colors which are part of Windows rather than Opus itself).

I want an offline manual too.
Please consider it.