Is there an Opus equivalent to the "Date" column as implemented in Win10 File Explorer?

You can use a custom column to retrieve the value from the shell properties.

This add-in uses System.ItemDate.

function OnInit(initData) { = 'SystemItemDate';
    initData.version = '2022-03-19';
    initData.url = '';
    initData.desc = 'Retrieves System.ItemDate from the Shell (File Explorer\'s "Date")';
    initData.default_enable = true;
    initData.min_version = '12.0';

function OnAddColumns(addColData) {
    var col = addColData.AddColumn(); = 'SystemItemDate';
    col.label = 'SystemItemDate';
    col.header = 'SystemItemDate';
    col.justify = 'left';
    col.type = 'datetime';
    col.autogroup = true;
    col.method = 'OnColumn';

function OnColumn(scriptColData) {
    scriptColData.value = scriptColData.item.ShellProp('System.ItemDate');

ColumnSystemItemDate.js.txt (832 Bytes)

This property might not be the one you are looking for. Use this script to find the right one:

General advice:

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