It does files but can it do folders?

Hi Fellow DO'ers,

I have this working well on a button converting Files - but I would also like it to work on Folders. Any suggestions please? (and yes I am a novice)

Rename REGEXP PATTERN="(.) - (.)(..*)" TO="\2 - \1\3" AUTORENAME

DO is an application going from strength to strength, I would be lost without it and so this Forum is and will be a treasure trove of possibilities.

Thank you for any help

@nodeselect Rename REGEXP PATTERN="(.*) - (.*)" TO="\2 - \1" AUTORENAME TYPE=dirs Rename REGEXP PATTERN="(.*) - (.*)(\..*)" TO="\2 - \1\3" AUTORENAME TYPE=files

Wow! was that fast or what, it works perfectly.

Thank you