It was fun trying

Thanks for the trial I guess I just cant get my small brain around this software. Nothing ever seems to work properly. Any adjustments I make only work one time. Saving the lister and updating that one..running the lister it would just go back to default.. Im just over it good luck.

The item at the top of the Opus FAQs menu, at the top of this page, explains how to make changes to the default columns and display mode, if that's what you were stuck on:

If you have problems working something out, just ask.

I just want to change the way things display .. yet.. Every time I set it up the next time the folder is opened its back to default... nor does anything get saved to all folders....idk It just doesn't seem very intuitive

Have you read the FAQ I linked to? Have you followed the steps in it?

If you have but are still having problems, please tell us in more detail about what you're trying to do and what you've tried already.

("Change the way things display" doesn't tell me which things you want to change or how, nor what you've tried so far. But the answer to that sort of question is usually in the FAQ I linked to.)

Careful. Don't give up too soon. A week doesn't go by, I say wow and I've been doing it this way all these years.

Your message is kind of hard to see the issue.

Just as an example - go into Customize- commands and search "label" then drag it to your toolbar. With this, you have the ability to change Folder Tab Colors.

If you go into Preferences- Favorites and Recent-Labels you can create any color that you would like to you for your folders tabs.

Just trying to give you a quick example that gives you one of the so many ways of changing your appearance. So a little bit of detail will go a long way. Opus is the only way to go.

Spend the time and this software pays you back.


I have to say, over the years I've often seen new users being stumped by the way saving folder format settings (making them stick) works in Opus.

Folder Formats system is very powerful and allows for detailed customization, but not intuitive to grasp for new users when they just want to set a global default format (I remember being stumped by it myself).

It's an area of Opus that (probably more than anything else except for the scripting stuff) requires a deliberate analysis and study of documentation from the new users.

You can use Dopus easily with default config or be more or less an experienced user and spend time and know-how into it. Everything else between is not the target group.

Installing Photoshop as newbie and beeing able to remove background perfectly from portrait also requires training and knowledge. If you don't want to train etc., don't expect a perfectly edited picture!

I should go over the manual prolly it seems like an awesome piece of software I just was getting frustrateed. I knew what I wanted to do and I knew it was possible for me at least Im not familar or know exactly what a lot of the keywords might be referencing.. one simple example was I wanted my navigation window to be collapsed and the the view/scroll bar at the top not in the middle . I don't know I found some settings that kinda did what I wanted but not exactly.. I guess it was just little things that kept bothering me.. Plus been finally really pushing to master fusion in Da vinci Resolve + UE5... which are their own issues.. couple other optimizing softwares .. just been feeling like nothing going right but just gotta take a breath