J'ai 2 questions avec DO 12.33 / I have 2 questions about DO

Good morning,

  1. I have Directory Opus V12, I am looking to preview the .odt files in my viewer, how do I obtain this preview?

  2. I am looking to convert a file to PDF directly by DO without using third-party software?

Thank you for your feedback, and merry Christmas!! :smile:

PS/ I don't speak English, I did the translation via Google, I hope it is understandable.

original text / Texte original :


1 ) J'ai Directory Opus V12, je cherche a prévisualiser les fichiers .odt dans ma visionneuse, comment procedé pour obenir cette prévisualisation ?

2 ) Je cherche a convertir un fichier en pdf directement par DO sans passer par un logiciel tiers ?

Merci pour vos retours, et joyeux noel !! :smile:

PS/ Je ne parle pas anglais, j'ai fais la traduction via google, j'espere que cela est compréhensible.

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These files should work by default:

If your system has a pdf printer driver Opus could send files there, but for everything else you'd need additional software.

Unfortunately I don't have this option:

If you don't have Office installed, you need to get an odt viewer. Availability seems to be good.


I think the only preview handlers for ODT files are Microsoft Office and possibly QuickViewPlus (if that still works, but it's much more expensive than Office anyway).

None of the OpenOffice developers have made any viewers since the very early versions that had a viewer for Internet Explorer (which could also be used within Opus), but that was broken and left abandoned shortly after they released it. They don't seem to have any interest in writing a viewer, even though people have been asking them to make one for many years.