Hello, when i try to convert from *.JPG (big file size) to low quality *.jpeg (small file size) in an effort to reduce file sizes (by reducing the jpeg compression quality from HQ to LQ), Dopus processes the files (process indicator) but, in the end, no new files are created in the folder neither are the old files (with the same name) overwritten or anything. So i am wondering.
Another point which makes me wonder is the "Write converted images to destination folder" which is always greyed out, no matter what i do. And i certainly cannot modify or edit the save path (the line under the preview picture in the Image Conversion dialogue window).
Conversion to other file formats (*.JPG -> *.png) works as expected. (the "Write converted images to destination folder" remains greyed out, though).
By default, Opus avoids re-compressing JPEG images if it can. (e.g. If the image is not being resized and if a lossless rotation can be performed then the JPEG data will not be recompressed, avoiding any unintentional loss of quality.)
You can add the NOLOSSLESS argument to the Image CONVERT command to tell Opus that you want it to always re-compress JPEG files, even when it does not think it needs to.
As for the "Write converted images to destination folder" option, it should be enabled provided there was a destination folder when you opened the image converter.
the original command was Image CONVERT HERE which i changed to Image CONVERT NOLOSSLESS. now i get a dialogue prompt "Confirm File Replace" where i can choose between Replace|Replace All and Skip|Skip All|Skip Identical, i.e. there is no option to automaticallyRename or Rename (Newer) or Rename (Older) which would circumvent the overwriting. so i am not fully happy with this outcome. (a workaround is: i keep a backup of the HQ-files.)
i still cant change (or whatever) the option(s) to modify the output folder. the "address box" is still inaccessible (the mouse doesnt turn into a prompt), and the lowest option is unchecked and its full line is totally greyed out. (and this feels like a bug on my system, winxpsp3 32bit.)
Other than the above, yes, Dopus converts to the lower quality JPEG version and overwrites (because of "Replace All" option) the existing HQ jpg-files, i.e. files are output to the active source lister window.
But what is it you actually want to do...? If you're in a folder called "folder1", and you have "file.jpg" what do you want to end up with... what files, with what names, located where?