This is continuation of this drama Passing file paths: FORCE quotes? - #7 by TrialUserSoFar
I'm creating commandline, which executes PS1 file, which passes all user selected files into python with parameters ( cmd /s /c $py_script $element
). Quite a mess I know.
So last thing was done - updated DO script, which added additional 'quotes' around supplied path, to help solve problems with bad characters and spaces.
Constructed string looks like this:
powershell D:\v1.ps1 '"D:\TEST_FILES\path\3178.zip"'
And this quote fix broke execution in certain cases.
Now when path itself (file or folder) contains quote ' it needs an backtick symbol ` as mentioned in old topic.
But to make it work, you need to remove additional quotes around.
Result is this:
powershell D:\v1.ps1 "D:\TEST_FILES\path\31``'78.zip"
two symbols because couldn't figure it out how to escape it properly with forum syntax.
I'm find symbols, and replace these with tick added.
str = String(eSel.item().RealPath).replace(/\'/, '``\'')
This method replaced fist found item, how I can replace all occurrences?
Chat GPT offered to create another function which will replace values, but two functions for single buttons is something new for me. -
What syntax would be, if I would like to create list of symbols, with their replacement counterparts?