Keep branches open in the tree

Hi, Is there a way to have the default lister keep branches open when opening a new lister?

If you want that behavior, I believe you need to make sure Preferences / Folder Tree / Options / Collapse non-selected branches is unchecked.

The default lister will remember which top-level branches were open when it was saved.

There are also a couple of options to open specific other branches (e.g. This PC) as well as the current folder, but no general way to auto-expand other folders which are more deeply nested. (It is on our ideas list, though.)

It doesn't keep them open after I save my default lister

Which branches?

The 2 branches I added

OK... attempts to read your mind ... ... ... It's not working; I still don't know which branches we are talking about here.

  1. Downloads branch for download folders on internal drive E and external drive (S)
  2. Program files branch for program files and program files (x86) on local disk (C)

Neither of those are top-level folders, so their expansion state won't be remembered:

Ok thanks for your help