For the last few weeks I've been getting prompted to enter network credentials for my file server every time I open a Lister, despite the fact that I have already logged into the file server, so my login details should have been retained. I'm running v13.6 x64 on Windows 11.
Any idea what might be causing this?
First thing I would try is updating to the latest version, since 13.6 is a few months old now.
Also make sure Opus hasn't been launched elevated, as that will complicate how network sessions behave: Why NOT to run Opus as Administrator under UAC
Do you run Win11 24H2? The upgrade came with a few changes to SMB security.
I'm running Windows 11 23H2.
I've also just upgraded to DO 13.11. I'm still getting the login box.
I can also confirm that DO is not being run as Adminstrator
I get this if I don't use DOpus to map the drive and save the credentials.
I just deleted all of my drive mappings (using "net use /DELETE"), and re-mapped the shares from within DO. I entered the network credentials when prompted, and ticked the "Remember my credentials" box, but I'm still being prompted to enter them every time.
The strange thing is that if I cancel the login page I still have full access to the share, so clearly I am already authenticated.
EDIT: I should also add that I am NOT being prompted to enter credentials if I open the network share using Windows File Explorer
OK so I think I've managed to resolve it....
I opened a new Lister, closed all tabs which pointed at network shares, then saved it as the Default Lister. I then closed and re-opened the Lister and I can now re-open network shares without getting the login prompt.