Keep getting "unable to open "Dopuslib.dll" on startup of W10 Pro

I am using the very latest release, and notice that now, when I login or change users in my multi account W10 pro setup, an error dialog pops up wit the meesage shown above.

Anyone else seeing this ? It iis really annoying as despite the dialog, OPus does load as previously, using my default Lister etc, it'''s justr I have to dismiss the error dialog all the time.

Can you tell which process is showing the error? It's probably not Opus itself (if Opus couldn't open dopuslib.dll, it wouldn't be able to run).

One way to find out is to leave the error on screen, then run Help WINDOWINFO in Opus and drag the crosshair over the error. It will then tell you the process name (and some other details).

You can run that by typing > into the file display to open the command field. (Or create a toolbar button.)

opus error dilaog identity

OK LEO, done that, attached is image of the result - it IS Opus spawning it apparently ?

Image of result uploaded.

A little more info on this. Whwen OPus opens, it is set to in my users startup folder to always open My PC, but this is causing it to oppen the following path
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup with an empty folder named plugins selected in the folder tree.

I do not use a folder of this name, so it must have been generated by something else. !! However the only change I have made to this particular login is to install Firefox.

But I actually have 4 separate W10 Pro installations on this Pc on 4 separate SSD's, and each one has three different user that can login to them. However, all other systems have had Firefox added, and none have shown this same behaviour, so it is unlikely to be the culprit ?

I just close this Opus, and then start a new one and it open to My PC as expected.

So it appears (to me at least) that as my entry in the user startup folder calls Opus, it does not like going to an empty folder, or one named Plugins, rather than loading my "Default" Lister setup which all othes docorrectly.

To test a theory, I create a shortcut that would load Opus correctly and put it in this plugins foder, but switching users to come back to thiiis a/c did exaclty the same, error dialog and did NOT execuute the new shortcut in plugins folder.

HTH ?.

Thanks! That's strange...

Please make some process snapshots of dopus.exe while the error is showing. We should be able to see what's happening from there.

Here you go, one shows the two instances of Opus that load with the error dialog, the othher is the normal "default" lister that should have loaded, but doesn't.

Pleas make process snapshots using the instructions I linked to.

(Process snapshots are very different to screenshots.)

Sorry about that, my eyes are not as good as they used to be, and reading dark blue text on black background on the web site means I missed this link entirely.

Created 6 DMP files, 953 Mb, and zipped them to "dopus (6).7Z"

Folder contents including the 7Z file uploaded to "WeTransfer 10".

I suspect I did not need to send the originals in the link, but it is done now....

Hope they let you find out what is going on, I see it in at least 2 of my W10 Pro installations, so have a nasty suspicion it may be linked to Firefox ?

The DMPs show you've copied version 13.1 of dopus.exe to here:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\dopus.exe

That's likely the cause of the problem. The exe is being run from a folder that won't (or at least shouldn't) contain the rest of the program and isn't where its components are registered.

You should delete that file. If you want Opus to run at startup, configure it via Preferences / Launching Opus / Startup and it will create the proper shortcut and arguments.

Oh hell what a wally I am, really sorry to have bothered you with a self inflicted issue.

I have taken your advice (naturally) and it now boots with no error dialog, so a sucessful support request seems to be closed.

I just need to go around all the other installations and logins and amke the same changes, serves me right for trying be too clever..

Thank you so much, it is deeply appreciated.

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