Evening/morning folks (timezone dependent)
Any plans for key-based SSH authentication for a future release?
Evening/morning folks (timezone dependent)
Any plans for key-based SSH authentication for a future release?
It may be there already, although I'm not sure. Opus's SSH support is based on PuTTY so if you follow the steps you'd perform for PuTTY it may also work in Opus (though you may have to put the key file in Opus's directory instead of PuTTY's, if that's where key files go (I don't know)).
This thread may also help, although I don't know if Pageant is relevant:
[Use Putty's Pageant for SCP authentication)
(I'm assuming that you already know about PuTTY since you're familiar with SSH keys, but if not here's the PuTTY website which may help.)
Thanks, Leo, I didn't think of searching for "pageant". The password dialog is what was confusing me, I didn't think it was working when that popped up.
Greg & Jonathan, any chance of tweaking DOpus to check Pageant first for SSH connections and to only display the password dialog if that fails? Thanks.
I thought it did? Opus essentially just uses the Putty code so this 'should' do this.
I don't use SSH like this regularly so I'm not quite sure if this will work. I seem to remember other users saying that it did work?
It does work, but it asks you for the password first instead of trying Pageant. I can't try it again as I just shipped the server I've got SSH on, but that's how it was when I tried yesterday. I'm using CoreFTP Server, just so you know.
I regularly use SSH and it does ask for a password first, but pressing return makes it use whatever Pagent got.
I'm pretty sure it gets it from pagent, as I have a pass phrase on my key, and it wouldn't be able to use the keyfile without asking for it. But as pagent already got the pass phrase..
But why it asks for a password, I don't know. I haven't tried typing one, so I don't know if it'll try with the password first, or what.
Just to clarify my request, I'd really like it if DOpus tried key-based authentication through the Pageant interface before prompting for a password. Whaddya thing, Dr Greg and Jon?
Thats a good idea Damien, but in addition to that i would like to be able to specify a keyfile directly in Dopus, since pageant can be a security risk.
a you get a keyphrase question after when you login.