Key-Navigation in Powermode


if I use the "Arrow-Keys" on my keyboard, I can't put up and down the "highlighting" in Powermode like in the other modes (Please check my ani-gif. Hope you'll understand my problem then much better :wink: )

Could you explain in simple word what I have to change?

In power mode you press Space to toggle selection of the current item.

No chance to get the same behavior as in Detailsmode???

I get a chuckle each time I read about ppl wanting more and more for details to work like power-mode or power-mode to work more like details... Seems to me like Power-Mode should just DIE, and all features and behavior that ppl 'like' about power-mode should just become 'options' for details mode.

Die power-mode... die die die!

I don't need it. :wink: I need - one - mode, that works well for me.
So, back to the question. I still don't know what to do ...

Mr Speed, which features of Power mode do you want that aren't in Details mode?

I want to recreate the working of the mouse buttons like it is in TotalCommander. And only in Powermode I can fit mouse buttons.
They are working fine but ...

I want to recreate the working of the mouse buttons like it is in TotalCommander. And only in Powermode I can fit mouse buttons.
They are working fine but ...[/quote]

So you want the left mouse button to do toggle-select, but if you press a cursor key you want it to select the next file and deselect all other files, like in Details mode?

(BTW, in Details mode you can do toggle-select via the middle mouse button.)

It's still the same. I can't go up and down (and the files get a highlight) with the "Arrow-Keys up/down".

What about my question? Am I right about the combination of settings that you want, or have I misunderstood?

Sorry, I haven't seen your question. I think you are right. It's a bit difficult for me to make it clear in another language. :frowning:

Or ist it leastwise possible to change the color of the dotted line to make it more conspicuous?

No way to change the colour at the moment. It is indeed a little difficult to see if you have the grid lines turned on like in your screenshot.

Do your really want the cursor key to deselect everything else though? Seems strange to mix together toggle-selection on left-clicks with auto-deselect on cursor keys.

Ideally, as Steje says, Opus would combine Power and Details mode into a single thing which lets you turn on and off all of the features that are currently unique to each of them. That gets my vote and should make everyone happy.

I agree, that's right! Would be much better!!!
Let's wait for DO 10 and see :wink:

One thing that would need to be possible though would be able to turn on/off those kinds of options with RAW commands... rather than just via PREFS. This way, ppl who 'cycle' between modes now for specific purposes could still do so without calling up the prefs dialog and making a bunch of changes... Doing so could allow ppl to define their own 'view-mode' buttons.

I wonder if anyone actually uses both Power and Details modes? As far as I know people tend to use one or the other but not both but that's anecdotal and you might be right.