More than two key was set to the current key sequence, When I press the second key, the small popup in the bottom-left corner will be like this
The second popup will be covered by the first.
Will you add a command to toggle the option in the toolbar set Always enable this toolbar's keys in Listers, it must be useful when I have many key sequence.
Can you please provide some more information about this. Exactly how did you have the keys configured?
This is a button I created to copy some files' name with no extensions, and I assigned a key sequence "C,N,N" to handle it.
When I send C,N, the first "N" is invisible.
By the way, how to set a hotkey to switch this?
Thanks for the additional information, this will be fixed in the next update.
There's no way at the moment (it doesn't have a command equivalent), but we can look at adding it if that's something that would be useful.