Keyboard Shorcut to find and replace option in rename menu


when i click on the Rename menu (shortcut Control + "), the renaming window open, and the default option selected is the standard one.

if there a shortuc to open the rename window, and that the option "find and replace" is selected automatically instead of having to click on
rename + dropdown menu + click on find and research ?

Thanks !

The normal Rename button runs this:

Rename ADVANCED @nodeselect

Change it to this (or create a new hotkey which runs it if you want different hotkeys for different modes):

Rename ADVANCED PRESET=findrep @nodeselect

Wow great ! thank you ! trying my best to understand how the button / script feature work ! it's working great, thanks ! one more request, is it possible than when i click on the shortcut, the prompt is on the OLD line, and not the NEW Line by default ?
certainly an option to select in the script but i'm not used to it yet (even if i'm a long time customer of DO :slight_smile: (yes, that's a shame, using 1% of his capabilities since the beginning.).

I don't think there is a way to change which field is active when the Rename dialog opens.

Shift-Tab would be the quickest way to jump to the Old Name field using the keyboard.

[quote="leo"]I don't think there is a way to change which field is active when the Rename dialog opens.

Shift-Tab would be the quickest way to jump to the Old Name field using the keyboard.[/quote]

ok, thank you ! (i have hands issues, so i'm using a lot the shortucts via different devise (like a small Midi Keyboard who send Shortcut and make several action in one key).

Thanks !