Keyscrambler / cannot drag and drop

I sometimes seem to get locks within moving or copying files between folders on the same drive or other driven (local not a network) (when I am in the commander view). I get the icon (round circel with a strike through it (no entry) and not one file or folder can be moved or copied by dragging, however it keeps working with commands (cut, copy and paste) and the dragging and dropping also still works within windows explorer. It does help to close some programs which started up automaticly but not the same program (else I would have found the solution) sometimes I can close 2 sometimes I close 6 and sometimes nothing works. When I restart the computer problem is solved. It is definitly not a anti virus software program (I deactivated everything incl. Firewall etc) and it is not a virus daily viruscheck and update of the virussoftware every 30 minutes, so I am quit sure this is not where to look. Plenty of memory (maximum under XP home sp3) and the proceser is for 99% idle. I do not use NERO but I already installed the reg file which was suggested for nero users in the resource center. Everything worked fine for more than a year, I already removed opus reinstalled it but the problems does not go away (windows xp sp3)

Any suggestions,


Micha Fuks

Read the FAQ which offers a lot of things to try.

Hi Steve,

I did everything which was suggested in het FAQ list, but with no result I hereby attach two AVI files (2 seperate replys) to show you exactly what happens, so sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt but only in the commanderstyle view, anything else works flawless
sometimes works dual (4.79 MB)

here is a non working situation
sometimes it does (3.94 MB)

Does it matter which folders you drag, or whether you drag from the left side to the right or right to left?

I found the problem. It is is QFX software keyscrambler Premium
(latest version) I had in the previous version already the problem that
while the program is active I could not in OPUS uses letters to go to
the next alphabetic folder or file I had to turn it off, in order that
it would work.

In the update that issue was not resolved although it was noted by the
company (the confirmed it by mail) in the latest version it also limits
the drag and drop capability in opus (on top of the previous problem).
It does not help to turn the program of after it has been activated at
windows startup. One must not activate it with windows, if you activate
it after startup, it will limit the drag and drop capability but when
you then switch it off opus works fine.

Thanks for your support,


Agrh....!!!! Yes, I am also KeyScrambler Premium user and have a problem with text searching (similar to moving to next folder/file by clicking the appropriate letter) :frowning:

It looks like the KeyScrambler scrambles so much that it makes impossible for DO to do its job!

Is there any way to overcome that problem? Can I make it a suggestion for the future versions?

One must not automatic activate it with windows (keyscrambler), if you activate
it after startup, it will limit the drag and drop capability but when
you then switch it off opus works fine.

for the other problem that it cannot find the next alphabetic file or folder just by pressing the letter, I have not found a workaround other then selecting the keyscrambler icon in the taskbar and switching it of (there it does not matter if it was activated during windows startup)

I have sent a mail again to Keyscrambler, in the hope they will now tackle this issue.

Yep, I did the same - I suggested them to introduce the option to switch KeyScrambler off in certain apps. That should do, provided they are willing to do anything.

Well, we can still believe in DO's creators to find some solution. If e.g. Firefox knows how to "read good letters" :wink: there must be some way to do so...

However I found that If I do not startup with keyscrambler but start the application after windows has started it will mess up (scramble) anything you type in when you start the application which it covers, so basicly you will see the scrambled letters in your aplication instead of the Keyscramble Icon. When you delete the first letters and start again everything works fine. It is al very delicate alchemie

I posted about a similar issue about getting the no drag and drop icon with the zero sign when I tried to drag and drop. It looks like we now have the answer. And yes, I'm also a Keyscrambler Premium user. Does QFX Software know about this issue? Have they been notified?

So I have to unload QFX Keyscrambler if I want to drag and drop in DO? Is this correct? In other words I have to select "exit" from the icon bar on the bottom? Or can I just select Keyscrambler OFF option? Thanks.

From looking at the KeyScrambler site it becomes apparent that this software really can't help but interfere with other software on the machine. It blocks so many legitimate function calls that many programs, including Opus, rely on for certain functionality. Use it at your own risk, basically.

Well, at least I know I wasn't imagining things when I started to experience this problem with the drag and drop issue. I've also emailed the company about this I would hope to hear from them. In the meantime I'll use the workaround and simply unload this program from memory if I need to use it but turn it on when I go to banking websites.

If you want no problems at all like letters that mess up while you are working in a application, eg. url input, than you should deinstall it completely until they have come up with the solution. If you do not activate it when starting up windows, but start it up during windows is gives the described problem however you then can switch it of when working with opus (it will then work fine) But that is hardly a solution. If you start it up with windows, switich it of during the windows session does not restore the problem with opus.

Here is the mail of keyscrambler

Hi Micha,

Sorry about the problems you're experiencing. We're looking into the Directory Opus issues right now and hope to have it resolved in the near future. We'll let you know as soon as a bugfix version is available so that you can have it before our next official release. In the meantime, if you wish, you can download the previous version of KeyScrambler Premium here: ... _Setup.exe
or ... _Setup.exe

Best regards,


Qian ("Chen") Wang
QFX Software Corporation

they claim they have fixed it see mail

Hi Micha,

Ok, we believe we've fixed the DO problems (both drag & drop and search) in our latest bugfix version. You can download it from our servers here: ... _Setup.exe
or ... _Setup.exe

Please let us know if you continue to experience any problems.

Best regards,


Qian ("Chen") Wang
QFX Software Corporation

I was about to come in here and notify everyone about the fix.