I know the help file is still in progress and I appreciate a lot your decision releasing Opus 10 before this file is 100% done!
Anyway, is there a chance you could post here the SetAttr META syntax and all metadatas keywords?
I would like to make buttons clearing metadatas (for now, I just tried keywords like 'author' and 'copyright' which work)
this button works but is there a way to clear everything?
I tried SetAttr CLEARATTR META=all but it does not work
I would like to create also a button adding metadatas but I don't know the syntax adding multiple entries
SetAttr META=copyright:A
I found how it works for one entry but I don't know if it is possible to add multiple entries in one line
I tried SetAttr META={author:A|copyright:B} SetAttr META=author:A,copyright:B SetAttr META=author:A|copyright:B
but none of them works
wow, everything is there lol
I looked for this info in DOpus 9 help file (not sure if this command was completely new), DOpus 10 chm file and DOpus 10 online help file and I missed this pdf file I had in a folder.
Thanks again
Having trouble clearing Tags when I have multiple files selected and the tags differ in each file. I first tried using this to clear Tags of all selected files:
SetAtrr ClearAttr Meta=Tags
*It works only if all selected files have identical tags. If the tags are different doesn't respond.
From Whats New PDF: [quote]Fields also support wildcards; for example, a simple command to clear all metadata fields would be:
SetAttr META * [/quote]
Tried this (since I only want to clear the Tags column) and some slight variations which didn't work
SetAttr Meta=Tags *
This works for all files that are selected with different tags. However, if the first selected file has NO tag (while others following do), it will not clear Tags on any. Any way I can get it to work on all selected files, even if the first selected file doesn't have a tag?
When the feature was first introduced I also mistakenly tried to use the ClearAttr option to clear tag values. You don't need it... it's unrelated to the METADATA handling features - and only applies to traditional file attributes.
I don't think the What's new guide provides details on command usage to clear specific values, but you don't need or want the wildcard or the = sign either.
The right command should simply be: SetAttr META tags
That it's not working against files with different tags field values seems to be a bug. I've reported - you can do the same via the GPSoft Support form (link in my sig)...