Hello, I'm pretty new to Dopus and I have been using the trail for the past couple weeks. I'm strongly considering purchasing it now that my trail is almost up.
I do have a few questions or issues I'm dealing with and was wondering if I can fix it.
I created a filter to make my files and folder grey when filename/folder contains the word "old", but for some reason this takes effect when I have word such has "hold" or "bold" etc. Is there anyway to make it only work if its just "old", not within a word?
I allowed a column to show extensions, but some of my files or folders have multiple periods and it messes up the column. For example - a folder called "Tosh.0" shows the ext as 0, rather than .
The "Extension (dirs)" option will try to show an extension of <dir> (without quotes) for a directory (folder) name in addition to filename extensions. You may only want the "Extension" option rather than "Extension (dirs)".
Extension - Shows extensions only for files that have an extension and is empty for folders.
Extension (dirs) - Shows <dir> in the extension column in addition to show file extensions.
I can't get it to show anything else for a folder. I even tested with "folder.0" and then "folder.1.0" and it still always showed just <dir>. Note hat 'dir' (short for directory) and folder are the same thing. I wonder if you might be referring to a compressed folder, also known as a zip file?
I tried both column extension options but they both show up incorrectly. I have no scripts loaded. The column you're suggesting doesn't show anything for folders, unless it has a period within its name.
I have a PortableApps folder on my USB drive, and some of my files are named in that format and it will show up on both columns.
Unfortunately my trail period ended, but I'm buying it for my work computer tomorrow morning. I believe I had version 12?
With Label Assignment > Name > Match "(^|\W)old(\W|$)". it works for Old, but is there a way to modify it to only apply to characters with ( or [. That way it wont apply to all my folders that contain the word old, unless I declare it too
for example it should only be for files/folders that have this structure in it
(old) or [Old]