Label icons - almost there!

I've been waiting for something like this for a while, but unfortunately, the way it's been implemented, it won't be very useful for me.

A system like this would be most useful for marking files with a visual indication of status, much like some email apps offer (read, unread, current, important, favorite, rejected, draft, etc). Or with a visual indicator of size, category, resolution, etc - like leo's HD images example. But since it's been built into the file/folder label system, it conflicts with all existing labels. And the fact that it overrides file icons makes it useless for labels that cover more than one file type or file type group, like "important" or "favorite".

It would be much better to have this icon system in addition to the current labeling system, rather than as a part of it. These icons could show up in a new "status" column on the far left side of each lister, accompanying existing file icons instead of overriding them. And it should not conflict with existing labels (which I use to colorize file names based on file type).

In the example of leo's HD images, an HD icon in a status column accompanying the file's standard icon would provide the same information in a much clearer way. And a hotkey to toggle the status column could hide that information when it's not needed.

Just food for thought!

We´ve already discussed that, & i completely agree with you. I have all my file groups colored, so i can currently only use folders for the label icons.
Maybe the solution would be, to make the folder icon coloring independent from the file or folder name´s coloring. That way we could keep the file
type color groups (or any other custom patterns), & still mark new items or items meeting special properties by using specific folder icons.

Sorry for repeating what you have already suggested. By the way, i was already thinking about a multi label concept, because
i quite often have situations, where i could use more than one (temporary) label. Maybe it could be included in a column.
Following mockup shows a four color label ribbon. The usage & meaning of the colors would be based on the user´s own
definitions, of course.

Where was this discussed? I can't find the thread. Thanks :slight_smile:

For example here

[url]Request: labels priority]

or here

[url]File Labels not Sticking]

One of the reasons I've stuck with XP is because it supports (no longer supported and somewhat Byzantine to set up) Shedko Badges, which hacks the shortcut overlay indicator so you can use custom overlay icons. I have found though that even though I can use 'double icons' for files indicating work in progress, I tend to end up tweaking the icons rather than working on the file :slight_smile:. You could of course have different DOpus labels for every stage of file status, but I find sorting column view by Shedko badge status (eg by urgency and level of completion) is most helpful - the DOpus label is a sort of sub-indicator.

This is a screenshot from adobe training site:

The icons at the right side are telling us which applications the training is covering.
Currently we have to stick with tagging, but wouldn't it be nice to have a compact column of some icons, instead of a long one of tags.
I hope something like this will be possible in the future in DO.