Launch Films & TV app from button

Anyone know how to launch the windows 10 Films & TV app from a button.
I know it is a UWP app, dopus can launch these if correct name is used. It would look something like this FileType ACTION=shellex SHELLCLASS=AppX43hnxtbyyps62jhe9sqpdzxn1790zetc which launches the Windows 10 Photo Viewer.

Assuming you want to open the selected file using Films & TV, this is the command:

FileType ACTION=shellex SHELLCLASS=AppX6eg8h5sxqq90pv53845wmnbewywdqq5h

The easiest way to find the obfuscated class name:

  • Launch the app via the Start Menu

  • Find it in Task Manager, then right-click and open Properties to find the exe file's location:

  • That will give you another strange name for the application:

  • Search for that in RegEdit.exe until you find the AppX... key that contains it:

  • Wonder what drugs Microsoft are smoking these days.


And you can use "Customize..." and then drag and drop from Windows start menu. But without icon display.

If you like icons, too then go to "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.ZuneVideo_10.20032.16211.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Assets and choose a PNG File.