Launching Directory Opus from WSL Linux Terminal

Currently it's possible to launch Windows Explorer from within a WSL Linux terminal simply by typing "explorer.exe ." - this opens Explorer showing the current (Linux) directory.

I can launch Directory Opus from a Linux terminal (as long as I've added the dopus nstall directory to the Windows path) - but the lister displays the Directory Opus directory - not the WSL current directory (as specified with the "."). Is it possible to add this feature?

Richard Conway

Assuming the %cd% env-var works in WSL, try creating an alias that runs this:

"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /open "%cd%"

(dopus.exe %cd% also works but is less efficient.)

If Explorer Replacement is turned on, you can also just run start ., at least from a normal Command Prompt. That's the method I use, and there's no need to add Opus to the system path in that case.

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