I have a few layouts that I open via desktop shortcuts. After upgrading to (4848) my shortcuts open without any layout specific settings. Layouts open as saved, if I select them from the "Lister Layouts" menu. Creating and saving a new layout and shortcut doesn't solve the problem.
I did a quick test and shortcuts to layouts are working OK for me.
Which settings are missing exactly?
Do the layouts its affecting have Ignore folder formats saved within this layout turned on?
Which method are you using to create the shortcuts?
Missing settings: the shortcut opens the default lister with a folder path = to shortcut folder; so I'm missing folder groups, viewer pane, etc. that are different than the default
Ignore option: off
I created the shortcuts by both methods: dragging to desktop and using "Create a shorcut to this layout" option on the Preferences > Layouts menu. It creates a .dcf file
fwiw, the StartMenu jump list 'Tasks' load the layouts properly but I don't think these are the same kind of shortcuts.
I think there's a problem with my system, created after the install of the upgrade above failed. Uninstalling and reinstalling seemed to fix the problem but I'm not so sure now. A rollback to a previous state is probably in order. Just shelve this for now. Sorry for the inconvenience.