If I open the Find panel manually, or have a button that simply runs 'Find', then the Find panel has button 'Link to Lister source folder' selected.
But I open the Find panel with a keyboard shortcut that opens another Lister and executes Find there. And in that case, button 'Link to Lister source folder' is NOT selected.
My shortcut:
Go CURRENT DUALPATH="coll://Find Results" LAYOUT="Glen - Find"
I have tried selecting the Link button and resaving the lister but to no avail.
This wasn't an issue in Dopus v12.
I see this is similar to Find in: default status for lock to source folder? which was with v12, and Leo suggested Find IN {sourcepath}. Tried this, no change.
I cannot see any Find moderators that appear relevant.
Ok, done some more testing.
If executing Go with a named layout (which doesn't have Find panel showing by default), the subsequent [Find] will open the Find panel and the Link button is enabled and cursor is in Name field - all good.
But doing it that way I found the lister opens, then there is a noticeable delay as the Find panel opens. So I have always had my named Lister saved with the Find panel showing. That way when the new Lister opens, Find is already showing (and the Link button is enabled).
But. In order to have the cursor default to Name field, so I can immediately starting typing a name to search for, after the 'Go...Layout=...' I execute a [Find]. And in so doing, the Link button gets disabled/unselected.
To recap:
If my layout is saved WITH Find panel showing AND the script issues a [Find] after opening the new layout, THEN the Link button is disabled.
So I can change any one of those things to change the outcome, but I would prefer to retain all those settings AND have Link enabled.
Sorry for somewhat hijacking this thread, but is this a behavioral change compared to v12? What I want is that pressing Ctrl-F opens the find panel to search in the folder that the lister currently shows (which I believe was the behavior in v12), not for the folder that might be currently selected in the lister (as seems to be the default behavior now). Is that what "Link to Lister source folder" influences?
I did, but it seems to have no effect. If I press Ctrl-F and a folder is selected in the lister, always that folder is filled in "Find in" and not its parent folder that the lister shows, although "Link to Lister source folder" is active.