But also, just turn on debug and post the log. I'll have time this today and this weekend to look at it.
If i use the command LinkedTab_AutoOpen RESET RESYNC, i will get an infinite loop in the destination folder.
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(9): S:\ || R:\
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Found match...
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Relative Path:
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ResyncPath will be READ if it exists:
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ResyncPath: R:\
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ResyncPath exists
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Read initial path for paired folder in dest tab: R:\
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Path RESYNC OK!
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnLinkedTab_AutoOpen:
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTab_AutoOpen RESYNC
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Source path: N:\
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Parsing LinkedTabList...
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(0): N:\Bilder || K:\"H:\Fotografie2"Bilder\Fotografie
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(1): R:\Filme || N:\Filme
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(2): M:\ || L:\Musik2
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(3): L:\Web\Dropbox\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Phot (1) || H:\_FTP
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnAfterFolderChange: N:\
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No valid qualifier key was used, exit...
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(4): F:\ && K:\Bilder\Fotografie
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(5): N:\RTFs\Routen || L:\Web\Routen
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(6): E:\BikeNav || L:\Web\Routen
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(7): H:\_FTP || L:\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Phot (1)
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(8): K:\Bilder\Fotografie || H:\Fotografie2
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(9): S:\ || R:\
25.11.2016 14:33 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No matches found in LinkedTabList
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnAfterFolderChange: C:\Users\abr\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No valid qualifier key was used, exit...
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnAfterFolderChange: C:\Users\abr\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\ListerStyles
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No valid qualifier key was used, exit...
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnAfterFolderChange: C:\Users\abr\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No valid qualifier key was used, exit...
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnAfterFolderChange: C:\Users\abr\AppData\Roaming\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\Logs
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 14:34 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No valid qualifier key was used, exit...
Thanks. What are the script options set to?
Like following:
[imgur link broken]
I'm not seeing any sign of an infinite loop happening because of my script though. What visually happening in the destination when you run the command?
The log seems to be missing the beginning also, can you repeat the test or post the entire log. Also, what paths were you in when you ran the 'LinkedTab_AutoOpen RESET RESYNC' command? It looked like one run of the command worked at the top of the log.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh... thanks for posting the script options. You definitely shouldn't have 'LinkedTab_AutoOpen RESET RESYNC' in the 'OpenLinkedTab_Action' option. You're CAUSING the loop by doing that. Consider the following: with the settings above, if the script performs it's normal function and opens a linked tab, you are then asking the script to reset and resync the tabs, which then runs, and then resets and resyncs the tabs, again and again.
The 'OpenLinkedTab_Action' option was added to allow you to run some 'other' Opus command when the linked tab gets open. See my example where instead of using slaved tabs, you could enable Navlock, or maybe you want to change the folder format, or some other arbitrary thing.
The 'LinkedTab_AutoOpen' script command was added to give you a way of MANUALLY resetting the folder paths back to the paired folder tab paths specified in the script options. You had wanted this in case you had opened a sub-folder of one of the paired paths BEFORE enabling the script and wanted to get the paired folder path opened without having to go back to one of the trigger paths, then enable the script, then click back through the folders just to get back to where you were. This command is intended to be used manually via toolbar button or hotkey or whatever.
With the other script options you have set, you don't need either a button with environment variables OR a qualifer key to enable the script as it's currently set to 'Always_On'.
Hope that helps... Note: you also have what looks like an invalid folder in LinkedTabList - with double-quote marks around "H:\Fotografie2". It shouldn't hurt anything being there, but that folder pairing will just thrown an error and will never "work".
Ok, but if i remove the RESET RESYNC, nothing seems to happen.
This is stuff i would check, once i get the basics working. But yeah, interesting option.
Is there a way to be in one of the folders, which have a linked folder, just using a shortcut like Alt-L-I, which would open the partner folder in the destination, without any qualifier key at all? I also have no idea, which environment variables you mean.
Oh, thanks. I have removed those quotes, they must have been there by mistake.
Ok, so I suggest you do the following:
- Leave DEBUG set to True
- Leave OpenLinkedTab_Slaved set to False
- Clear out the OpenLinkedTab_Action option (leave it blank)
Add this three-button to a toolbar:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="both" label_pos="right" textcol="none" type="three_button">
<button backcol="none" display="both" label_pos="right" textcol="none">
<label>LinkedTab_AutoOpen (toggle)</label>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@toggle:if $lst:linkedtab_autoopen</instruction>
<instruction />
<instruction>@set lst:linkedtab_autoopen</instruction>
<instruction />
<instruction>@set lst:linkedtab_autoopen=true</instruction>
<button backcol="none" display="both" label_pos="right" textcol="none">
<function type="normal">
<instruction>linkedtab_autoopen reset</instruction>
<instruction />
<instruction>linkedtab_autoopen reset resync</instruction>
<instruction />
<instruction>linkedtab_autoopen resync</instruction>
Test with Always_On set to True: you don't need the toolbar button
- Open folder R:\Filme
- The script event handler should open the paired folder N:\Filme in a linked tab
Test with Always_On set to False: this disables the script, you'll enable it 'on-demand' using the toolbar button to toggle it's environment variable
- Open folder R:\Filme
- The script event handler should do nothing (it's disabled)
Toggle the script ON by normal Left-Click on the toolbar button (toggles the 'linkedtab_autoopen' lister scoped variable on)
- Open folder R:\Filme again
- The script event handler should open the paired folder N:\Filme in a linked tab (same behavior as when 'Always_On' was set to 'True')
Toggle the script OFF by Left-Clicking on the toolbar button again (toggles the 'linkedtab_autoopen' lister scoped variable off)
Create the same temporary subfolder structure in both R:\Filme and N:\Filme - say dir1\dir2\dir3
Open folder R:\Filme\dir1\dir2\dir3
The script event handler should do nothing (it's disabled again)
Right-Click on the toolbar button
The 'linktab_autoopen' script command does a RESET operation which sends just the source tab back to it's initial (parent) dir R:\Filme (based on seeing that your current dir is a subfolder of one of the entries specified in the scripts LinkedTabList option)
Open folder R:\Filme\dir1\dir2\dir3 again
The script event handler should do nothing (it's still disabled)
<Ctrl>+Right-Click on the toolbar button
The 'linktab_autoopen' script command does a RESET plus RESYNC operation which sends the source tab back to it's initial (parent) dir R:\Filme again, and also opens the paired folder N:\Filme in a linked tab
Close the new linked tab pointing to N:\Filme
Open folder R:\Filme\dir1\dir2\dir3 again
The script event handler should do nothing (it's still disabled)
<Shift>+Right-Click on the toolbar button
The 'linktab_autoopen' script command does a RESYNC operation (RESYNC=read by default) leaves the source tab unchanged (still in 'dir3') but opens the paired folder N:\Filme\dir1\dir2\dir3 in a linked tab. If the relative \dir1\dir2\dir3 path doesn't exist, you'll get an error of course, but there is also a script command option to do a RESYNC=create operation that attempts to create the missing relative folder path (\dir1\dir2\dir3) under the base parent paired folder path (N:\Filme).
As long as you get the same results as I've posted above - that should get you sorted out with how the script was intended to be used. And with that as a starting point I hope the use of the other options become apparent, but feel free to ask more questions and I hope it's useful . Unless you read the root post as well as the post from Dec 29 2015 post I linked to - it might not be apparent that this script has two main components:
1.) an 'event handler' component that Opus runs on OnAfterFolderChange events
2.) a 'script command' that gets used in the toolbar button to take advantage of some of the scripts config options AFTER you've opened one of your paired folder paths, but didn't initially have the script 'enabled'
I'll update the root post so it fully explains what the script is all about with the latest changes and enhancements...
...just be sure to reset DEBUG back to False when you're done testing...
Sorry, it doesn't work. I have tested both, Always_On set to true, or to false, but the linked folder just doesn't open. I see Opus' animation in the source folder, though, indicating, that something is happening. It is version 1.2.2 alright, i've checked that a couple of times.
BUT here's the good news: If i define a qualifier key, it works!
So here's where the fun part of the testing starts. I can easily live with using a qualifier key.
I will report back some time later, thanks a bunch, steje!
Post the DEBUG output with it always on along with an updated screenshot of the config options and I can tell you whats wrong.
[imgur link broken]
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnAfterFolderChange: N:\
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No valid qualifier key was used, exit...
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnLinkedTab_AutoOpen:
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: linkedtab_autoopen reset
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Source path: N:\
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Parsing LinkedTabList...
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(0): N:\Bilder || K:\"H:\Fotografie2"Bilder\Fotografie
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(1): R:\Filme || N:\Filme
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(2): M:\ || L:\Musik2
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(3): L:\Web\Dropbox\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Phot (1) || H:\_FTP
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(4): F:\ && K:\Bilder\Fotografie
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(5): N:\RTFs\Routen || L:\Web\Routen
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(6): E:\BikeNav || L:\Web\Routen
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(7): H:\_FTP || L:\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Phot (1)
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(8): K:\Bilder\Fotografie || H:\Fotografie2
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(9): S:\ || R:\
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No matches found in LinkedTabList
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnLinkedTab_AutoOpen:
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: linkedtab_autoopen reset
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Source path: N:\
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Parsing LinkedTabList...
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(0): N:\Bilder || K:\"H:\Fotografie2"Bilder\Fotografie
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(1): R:\Filme || N:\Filme
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(2): M:\ || L:\Musik2
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(3): L:\Web\Dropbox\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Phot (1) || H:\_FTP
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(4): F:\ && K:\Bilder\Fotografie
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(5): N:\RTFs\Routen || L:\Web\Routen
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(6): E:\BikeNav || L:\Web\Routen
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(7): H:\_FTP || L:\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Phot (1)
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(8): K:\Bilder\Fotografie || H:\Fotografie2
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(9): S:\ || R:\
25.11.2016 19:00 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No matches found in LinkedTabList
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: OnLinkedTab_AutoOpen:
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: ----------------------------------------------------------------
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: linkedtab_autoopen reset
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Source path: N:\
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler:
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Parsing LinkedTabList...
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(0): N:\Bilder || K:\"H:\Fotografie2"Bilder\Fotografie
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(1): R:\Filme || N:\Filme
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(2): M:\ || L:\Musik2
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(3): L:\Web\Dropbox\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Phot (1) || H:\_FTP
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(4): F:\ && K:\Bilder\Fotografie
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(5): N:\RTFs\Routen || L:\Web\Routen
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(6): E:\BikeNav || L:\Web\Routen
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(7): H:\_FTP || L:\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Dropbox\Phot (1)\Phot (1)
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(8): K:\Bilder\Fotografie || H:\Fotografie2
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: LinkedTabList(9): S:\ || R:\
25.11.2016 19:01 LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: No matches found in LinkedTabList
It would be cool, if i could bind the command to a hotkey, so i wouldn't need to use the mouse at all.
Btw, you've got a path in there of K:\"H:\Fotografie2"Bilder\Fotografie
- won't that mess stuff up?
Yes, but steje has mentioned that already, so i had those quotes removed. Thanks.
@tenebrous: yeah, I told him about that a few posts ago . It's not valid, but it won't really hurt anything either.
@abr: you seem to be only opening N:\... and that's not one of your paired folders, so the script does nothing when you open it and still does nothing when you run the script command.
Use the examples I gave. Open R:\Filme and the script should automatically open N:\Filme.
Using the script command (via the button) willy only work when you're in a CHILD folder of one of the folders specified in your LinkTabList. So again, I suggested you create some temporary child folders under both R:\Filme and N:\Filme to see what happens when you use the script command via the button.
Well, there are some folders under N:\Filme already, although not empty ones. But still nothing happens, if i try it using the shortcut (Alt-Gr-#), or even the right button of your new two way button. Strangely, even though qual keys are set both to "none", i need to press "Ctrl" to get it to work with the button.
Wouldn't it be possible, to use the command in a button, without having to enter a subfolder? Because this would be pretty much an extra step, like i had before, when i needed to go to the parent folder.
I'd need you to do the kind of tests I outlined above and then see the log to explain why it's not working the way it should. But so far, the only logs and settings I've seen show you using it in a way that isn't "supposed" to do anything.
I'm not sure what you're describing with the qualifier key and the button. One of the button scenarios I described above is indeed to use a Ctrl+Left-Click... and the results should be what I posted in that test case.
I'm also not sure what you're suggesting about using the script command without entering a subfolder. I added the script command specifically to get you to a paired folder after you were already in a subfolder based on your own request:
What would you want a command related to this script to be able to do if it's run while you're reading a folder someplace ~other than already inside one of the paired folders?
If you were going to use a command in a button, and the result you wanted from clicking the button has anything to do at all with what this script is intended to do - why wouldn't you just make the button load a tab group or layout.
I will try & report back later.
The clicking itself is what i try to avoid. It is outside of my workflow. I use the keyboard most of the time, so having to grab a mouse & click something is slowing things down. But if i have to use a qualifier key, if i use the keyboard, that's a problem, too. For example, i have assigned AltGr-# to your right click function in the button, but the qualifier key is meant to rather work with the clicking stuff.
Sorry, i got you wrong in your recent reply, misinterpreting your statement regarding the temp folders.
Yes, you're right of course. It is almost exactly working as i hoped for, except for the detail, how to trigger the command. Basically, what i try, is to use a hotkey (like AltGr-# or Alt-P) to emulate, what your right buttons does, although without a qualifier key.
Ok, so the original goal of the script was to pair two folder paths together such that when you opened one, the script automatically opened the other. The qualifier keys were added so that you could set a key (say Shift) that would only invoke the script if you held the key down while launching one of the paired folders (dbl-clicking, a go button, etc - I realize you are using keyboard).
The script will still work via the command using whatever hotkey you want to bind. If you like the result of the Ctrl+Right-Click against the example button, then you'd want to bind your hotkey to run the linkedtab_autoopen reset resync command. No qualifer keys come into play at all in this case. The qualkey when using the button was just from using the normal @keydown: modifier in the three-button, nothing 'script' specific.
If you want to click a button or hotkey in order to invoke two sets of folders, I think you're better off using standard Opus features (again, tab groups or layouts or whatever).
It works now, with that command. Clearing OpenLinkTab_Action must have done the trick.
I have that, too. But in this case your script is a very good complement to what you can do in Opus. At least, i wouldn´t know a good way to achieve the same in Opus, directly. You would have to make all the pairs as individual buttons. Anyway, seems to work now, which is great. So i can start expanding that list of paired folders. Thank you!
Great news Andreas, thanks for hanging in there while we worked through it .