Load a Base64 encoded string as dialog icon

I was trying to load a base64-encoded .ico file to use as the dialog's icon, but I get an error whenever I try to access Image.type or any other Image property. There’s no error when setting dialog.icon, but the icon simply doesn’t get applied.

This is a test script.
dlg_test.opusscriptinstall (3.1 KB)

What am I doing wrong?

PS: I know I can embed images in the script, but for certain reasons, I want to avoid that approach.

As a temporary workaround, writing the blob to a temp file and passing that to LoadImage works.

The next beta will make the LoadImage call you had work, too. (In the current code, loading from a Blob like that worked for JPG, PNG etc. but not ICO.)

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Confirmed, this is now possible since 13.13.1. Thanks.

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