When would you need this?
The pictures on the WeChat PC are XOR encrypted, and I want to display them after decryption for screening.
That makes sense.
But why not write the data to a temp-file, call LoadImage on that file, then delete the file?
Something like this (not tested):
function LoadImageFromBlob(blob, control)
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var fsu = DOpus.FSUtil;
var tempPath = fso.BuildPath(fso.GetSpecialFolder(2), fso.GetTempName()); // TemporaryFolder = 2
var file = fsu.OpenFile(tempPath, "wa");
if (file.error != 0)
return false;
var image = DOpus.LoadImage(tempPath); // Returns false if it fails.
return image;
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In the next update DOpus.LoadImage
will accept a Blob
This is available now in 12.23.1 Beta.