Up front: Sorry! In case below question has been dealt with in earlier threads. Regret I cannot find a solution.
I have this "Location" (pathbar).
Am afraid I cannot really follow the sorting of the previous folders in the dropdown-list.
Is there a way to 'sort' the folders that show up in the dropdown-list?
e.g. datesort ("last used"-folder to show up as the first under the present folder, the one used before that as #3, etc)
One might argue there are these back and forth buttons.
However, obviously the 'history' is gone once DO has been closed and relaunched and one may not wish to click e.g. 6x on the back button
as it may be easier to just select the folder needed from the dropdown list.
I went as far as the properties of the parthbar, but likely I am on the wrong track or it is not possible.
[quote="mrwul"]I have this "Location" (pathbar).
Am afraid I cannot really follow the sorting of the previous folders in the dropdown-list.[/quote]
Recent items are added to the top of the list, so it's sorted new-to-old.
However, I just noticed what seems to be a bug where if you're in a long folder path that has to be truncated then that folder path will be added to the top of the list (good), but also added again temporarily to the bottom of the list. When you're in a folder like that and open the drop-down, the temporary copy at the bottom is what's selected by default, which can be confusing.
If you ignore that extra entry and look at the rest of the list, though, you should see the most recent folders are at the top and the oldest folders are at the bottom.
Having noticed this, I've sent GPSoft a bug report.
Thanks again.
Surely you are right and no doubt I am mistaken, but one way or the other I am not sure whether I can follow DO's way of working to be frank.
e.g. when I click on the 'Back' button, DO wud bring me to the previous folder, rightfully so.
The previous folder is not ranked as 2nd below the folder I start from.
As an extreme example 2x on the backbutton, the folder I am in then, is at the bottom of the dropdownlist.
Whilst moving around using the back button and comparing the folders I am in against sequence of folders in the dropdownlist at one point
in time the folder I was in (and was in the dropdownlist), disappeared from the dropdownlist, when going back even another couple of steps back further.
so: start in folder \x
go back using the backbutton (e.g.) 5-6 steps -> folder \y (available in the dropdownlist)
go back another 5 steps to folder \z - look into the dropdownlist - folder y has gone.
I cud press 'forward' to folder \y it will show up in the dropdownlist again.
The recent list only stores 10 folders by default, I think. It's configured in Preferences.
I'm not show exactly how going back in the history will affect the recent list. The history (private list for the current lister) is separate to the recent list (global for all listers) so they will not always have the same things in them.