I'm sorry but I cannot understand the given solutions for "lock folder tree", or know if they apply to my problem.
Lock VERTICALLY : I can lock it vertically by clicking on the open lock icon at the top of the panel so it becomes a closed lock --- although that goes back to open lock when I restart my PC. I'd like it to restart locked.
Lock HORIZONTALLY : The only way I can do this is by dragging the scroll bar to the left, at the bottom of the page. After a time, that creeps right too and I can't see the left-side folder icons & indenting. Opus seems to think that I always want to work from the right side of the folder tree listing... I don't... I almost always want the folder tree to remain left justified because I have enough screen size to increase the width of the folder tree panel. Sorry if that does not make sense by the way I expressed it. I'm not strong on tech terms. So, the question is : Can I lock the folder tree to always display the LEFT HAND side ? This is very frustrating foe me, every single day.
After locking it, use Settings > Set as Default Lister to save that as the new default state, if it's not set to auto-save when the window is closed. (If you're using layouts, those will also need to be re-saved. Styles may also affect it, although I'm not sure.)
Preferences / Folder Tree / Options / Horizontal scrolling style, select Manual scrolling only or No scrolling or scrollbar at all, depending on which you want.
• Vertical scroll : I must be doing something wrong because when I restart Dopus it starts with the folder tree unlocked.
• Horizonal scroll : this works now (left justified) -- thanks ! -- but still with its original system width, so i have to drag the vertical to the right to expand the width.
I close Dopus by just clicking the "X" in top right side
I restart Dopus by clicking a Dopus shortcut on the Windows taskbar (it points to "dopus.exe", as installed)
This is the Default Lister settings :
What's set under Preferences / Launching Opus / Startup? That could influence things.
What you're doing should work, at least if the Startup settings are normal. Maybe something is blocking changes to the default lister being saved at all.
What happens if you make other changes, like add folder tabs or turn on/off the dual file display or folder tree entirely, then save those and reopen the window?
(If Shutdown Directory Opus when the last Lister closes is in the normal off position, closing the window won't actually shut down Opus, and opening a new window won't be restarting it. You'd need to use File > Exit Directory Opus to do that. But the method you described should still open a default lister, so these details shouldn't matter here. Just mentioning to clarify things, in case they matter for something else.)
I think you solved the problem !!
My startup settings were set to : "Open a saved lister layout " citing a target file or folder that no longer exists !
so I changed that to : "Open the default lister" and applied it, then rebooted my PC, and it restarted with the tree's vertical scroll locked !
This stuff is too complicated for me... I am so ashamed and humbled... I'd never solved these kinds of things myself because Dopus is laden with options that can affect numerous other options... etc.
Great for tech gurus but confronting for poor boys like me.
Anyway, thanks again, Leo... you have been a great help... as usual.