I have create a script which have similar functionality like "Locked (allow folder changes)" of the locked tabs.
The different is that you can navigate only to sub folders, not to super folders. Example: When you locked the tab at c:\myfolder\superfolder\
, you can navigate to c:\myfolder\superfolder\subfolder
, but not to c:\myfolder\
. In the last case a new tab opens with c:\myfolder
. The other behavior is same to "Locked (allow folder changes)".
But I am not really satisfy with my solution, because I need for my script to create a new button. But I like more to integrate the script into the menu of lock tabs. But I not found something to do that. Maybe another have a solution for that.
Comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome.
Here now the code of the two script files and the button:
ScriptCommand_LockFolder.vbs.txt (2.9 KB)
Option Explicit
' Lock states:
' 0=lock off; 3=lock, allow only navigate to sub folders
' -----------------------------------
' Event handler before folder change
' -----------------------------------
Function OnInit(ByRef oInitData)
Dim oCmd
' Provide basic information about the Script
oInitData.name = "ScriptCommand_LockFolder"
oInitData.desc = "Sets the LockTab state to Directory Opus."
oInitData.copyright = "(c) 2014 BitStreamWorld"
oInitData.version = "v1.0.0 (vbs)"
oInitData.default_enable = True
' Create new ScriptCommand
set oCmd = oInitData.AddCommand
oCmd.name = "LockFolderChangesOnlyDown"
oCmd.method = "OnLockFolderChangesOnlyDown"
oCmd.desc = oInitData.desc
oCmd.label = "Lock folder allow changes only go folder down"
oCmd.template = "LOCKSTATE/N"
' Set DEBUG flag below to true in order to enable logging messages to the Opus Output Window
oInitData.config.DEBUG = True
End Function
' -----------------------------------
' Event handler to lock a tab folder
' -----------------------------------
Function OnLockFolderChangesOnlyDown(oFuncData)
Dim iLockState
Dim oCurrentTab
iLockState = 0
If oFuncData.func.args.got_arg.lockstate Then ' lock state of tab given by parameter
iLockState = oFuncData.func.args.lockstate ' set to the current lock state which is set by a button
End If
logMsg("lock state set to " + CStr(iLockState))
' unlock or lock to the current path of the tab
set oCurrentTab = oFuncData.func.sourcetab
SetTabLockStateToCurrentPath oCurrentTab, iLockState
End Function
' -----------------------------
' Event handler when tab opens
' -----------------------------
Function OnOpenTab(oOpenTabData)
'init to not lock
SetTabLockState oOpenTabData.tab, 0
SetTabLockPath oOpenTabData.tab, ""
End Function
' ----------------------------
' Set and get tab lock states
' ----------------------------
Sub SetTabLockStateToCurrentPath(ByRef oCurrentTab, iLockState)
SetTabLockState oCurrentTab, iLockState
SetTabLockPath oCurrentTab, oCurrentTab.path
End Sub
Sub SetTabLockState(ByRef oCurrentTab, iLockState)
If IsNull(oCurrentTab) Then
Exit Sub
End If
oCurrentTab.Vars.Set "LockState", iLockState
End Sub
Sub SetTabLockPath(ByRef oCurrentTab, sLockPath)
If IsNull(oCurrentTab) Then
Exit Sub
End If
oCurrentTab.Vars.Set "LockPath", sLockPath
End Sub
' Subroutine to allow toggling of the global VT_BOOL variable to control whether logging is performed or not
Sub logMsg(sMessage)
If (Script.config.DEBUG) Then
End If
End Sub
LockFolder.vbs.txt (5.6 KB)
Option Explicit
' Lock states:
' 0=lock off, 3=lock, allow only navigate to sub folders
Const vbQuote = """"
' -----------------------------------
' Event handler before folder change
' -----------------------------------
Function OnInit(ByRef oInitData)
' Provide basic information about the Script
oInitData.name = "OnBeforeFolderChange_lockFolder"
oInitData.desc = "Adds an 'OnBeforeFolderChange' event handler to Directory Opus to lock folder tabs."
oInitData.copyright = "(c) 2014 BitStreamWorld"
oInitData.version = "v1.0.0 (vbs)"
oInitData.default_enable = True
' Set DEBUG flag below to true in order to enable logging messages to the Opus Output Window
oInitData.config.DEBUG = True
End Function
' -----------------------------------------------
' Event handler when the folder change
' decide to change the folder or open new folder
' -----------------------------------------------
Function OnBeforeFolderChange(oBeforeFolderChangeData)
Dim sCurrentPath
Dim oCurrentTab
Dim iCurrentLockState
Dim sCurrentLockPath
Dim iCmpResult
Dim bLockNow
Dim sCmd
sCurrentPath = oBeforeFolderChangeData.path
set oCurrentTab = oBeforeFolderChangeData.tab
iCurrentLockState = GetTabLockState(oCurrentTab)
bLockNow = False
If iCurrentLockState = 3 Then ' tab is locked
sCurrentLockPath = GetTabLockPath(oCurrentTab)
iCmpResult = InStr(1, sCurrentPath, sCurrentLockPath) ' check if the currentPath is sub path of the currentLockPath
If iCmpResult > 0 Then
bLockNow = False ' current Path contains lock Path
bLockNow = True ' current Path is not sub path of current lock tab => not change the folder, open folder in new tab
End If
End If
' tab is locked => open folder in new tab
If bLockNow Then
sCmd = "Go " & vbQuote & sCurrentPath & vbQuote & " NEWTAB NOSCRIPT"
RunSingleCommand sCmd
End If
OnBeforeFolderChange = bLockNow ' not change the folder of the tab
End Function
' --------------------------------------
' Event handler when the tab get active
' go back to the lock folder of the tab
' --------------------------------------
Function OnActivateTab(oActivateTabData)
Dim sCurrentPath
Dim iCurrentLockState
Dim sCmd
If IsNull(oActivateTabData.new) Then
Exit Function
End If
iCurrentLockState = GetTabLockState(oActivateTabData.new)
logMsg("active tab lock state = "+CStr(iCurrentLockState))
If iCurrentLockState = 3 Then ' tab is locked
sCurrentPath = GetTabLockPath(oActivateTabData.new)
sCmd = "Go " & vbQuote & sCurrentPath & vbQuote ' go back to the lock folder of the tab
RunSingleCommand sCmd
End If
SetLockIcon oActivateTabData.new
End Function
' -----------------------------
' Event handler when tab opens
' init new tab
' -----------------------------
Function OnOpenTab(oOpenTabData)
If IsNull(oOpenTabData.tab) Then
Exit Function
End If
SetTabLockState oOpenTabData.tab, 0
SetTabLockPath oOpenTabData.tab, ""
End Function
' ----------------------
' Execute Dopus Command
' ----------------------
Sub RunSingleCommand(sCmd)
Dim oDopusCmd
Set oDopusCmd = DOpus.CreateCommand
End Sub
' ------------------------------------
' Execute command to change lock icon
' ------------------------------------
Sub SetLockIcon(currentTab)
Dim oDopusCmd
dim iLockState
iLockState = GetTabLockState(currentTab)
If iLockState = 0 Then
RunSingleCommand "@set glob:lockstate=true"
End If
Set oDopusCmd = DOpus.CreateCommand
oDopusCmd.AddLine "@toggle:if $glob:lockstate"
oDopusCmd.AddLine "@ifset:$glob:lockstate"
oDopusCmd.AddLine "@set glob:lockstate"
oDopusCmd.AddLine "LockFolderChangesOnlyDown LOCKSTATE=0"
oDopusCmd.AddLine "@ifset:else"
oDopusCmd.AddLine "@set glob:lockstate=true"
oDopusCmd.AddLine "LockFolderChangesOnlyDown LOCKSTATE=3"
End Sub
' ----------------------------
' Set and get tab lock states
' ----------------------------
Sub SetTabLockStateToCurrentPath(ByRef oCurrentTab, iLockState)
SetTabLockState oCurrentTab, iLockState
SetTabLockPath oCurrentTab, oCurrentTab.path
End Sub
Sub SetTabLockState(ByRef oCurrentTab, iLockState)
If IsNull(oCurrentTab) Then
Exit Sub
End If
oCurrentTab.Vars.Set "LockState", iLockState
End Sub
Function GetTabLockState(ByRef oCurrentTab) ' As Integer
If oCurrentTab.Vars.Exists("LockState") Then
GetTabLockState = oCurrentTab.Vars.Get("LockState")
GetTabLockState = 0
End If
End Function
' --------------------------------------
' Set and get lock path of the lock tab
' --------------------------------------
Sub SetTabLockPath(ByRef oCurrentTab, sLockPath)
If IsNull(oCurrentTab) Then
Exit Sub
End If
oCurrentTab.Vars.Set "LockPath", sLockPath
End Sub
Function GetTabLockPath(ByRef oCurrentTab) 'As String
If oCurrentTab.Vars.Exists("LockPath") Then
GetTabLockPath = oCurrentTab.Vars.Get("LockPath")
End If
End Function
' Subroutine to allow toggling of the global VT_BOOL variable to control whether logging is performed or not
Sub logMsg(sMessage)
If (Script.config.DEBUG) Then
End If
End Sub
LockTabNavSub.osp (2.73 KB)
@toggle:if $glob:lockstate
@set $glob:lockstate
LockFolderChangesOnlyDown LOCKSTATE=0
@set $glob:lockstate=true
LockFolderChangesOnlyDown LOCKSTATE=3