Logitech G700s horizontal scrolling issues

Horizontal scrolling with my Logitech G700s doesn't work - instead of horizontal scrolling on my mouse left/right wheel tilts (as set in Logitech Gaming Software) I get vertical scrolling in Lister.
Is there a way to fix it?

Also, is there a way to enable horizontal scrolling with keyboard only? There is an advanced option scroll_lock, but it only scrolls vertically. Ideally, I'd like to have a command I could map to any key combination to scroll without having to use the physical ScrollLock

Finally, is there an option to remove that fat horizontal scrollbar (it's almost always obvious that the columns don't fit, and if I'm using keyboard/mouse buttons to scroll, I don't need to see it)

Logitech have a long history of not implementing horizontal scroll wheel messages properly in their drivers, but we have a lot of workarounds in the program to cope with their quirks, so it should work in theory.

I am not sure if I have checked with the G700s. As it happens, I have two G700s (with semi-working left mouse buttons, in a stack of other Logitech mice with similar mouse buttons, that all barely lasted a year or two :D*). I usually disable the side scrolling functionality entirely as I forget it is there except when I hit it by accident, so I may not have tested it with the G700s or LGS drivers.

I will plug one in and give it a try when I get a chance.

(*I switched to a Corsair mouse this time and the middle mouse button broke completely after 2 months... I wish someone made mice with proper switches.)

Off topic, I'm using a 10+ year old MS IntelliMouse Explorer. I replaced it a couple of times but the replacements brake so I go back to this one. As a mouse goes its rock solid.

Thanks for looking into this. What about the second option of being able to map a keyboard+mouse shortcut to scrolling? Shift+ScrollWheel (the vertical one, not the left/right tilting) would be way more convenient

I've managed to map a shortcut to pass 0x114 system message via Autohotkey SendMessage 0x114, 1, 0, FocusedControl, "A" command, which does scroll left/right, but

  • it's a bit slow (I guess it's missing the "one scroll skips 3 lines" option like in the vertical scrolling) and
  • it's not 100%reliable, sometimes I get history navigation instead of horizontal scrolling. Hence any native mapping would be welcome

Shift + Left/Right will jump the full width of the window, if that helps.

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Thanks, the Shift+L/R combination definitely helps! Didn't know about it and couldn't find it in keyboard settings. Where is it documented?
I've now remapped my Shift+WheelUp/Down to this combination, it's definitely snappier in scrolling and hopefully will bug less