Logitech Options / Options+ Fix

Greetings. I came across another thread just a moment ago discussing the problems some people were having with Logitech Setpoint and their mouse configurations not working properly. Seeing as Setpoint as Setpoint has all but gone the way of the Dodo, the new illustrious piece of coding witchcraft the Logitechers have created is Options / Options + . It is used for 99% of their new hardware (mouse/keyboard/etc.) and it is quite lovely when it decides to work.

I haven't been able to find out what causes it, but randomly while doing just about anything, Options+ will decide to no longer perform functions that are programmed to your various mouse/keyboard buttons. The only way you discover this is you go to use it, and it simply doesn't work. No visual indication, no error, nothing. While still frustrating, I have eliminated 97% of the irritation by finding a way to resolve the problem with one button that you click whenever this happens to you. All it does is restart the Options+ service within Windows, and viola - back up and running until it does it again. This is my button code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="icon" label_pos="right" textcol="none">
	<label>Restart Options+</label>
	<tip>Restart Options+ Service for Logitech MX3 Mouse</tip>
	<function type="batch">
		<instruction>C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c Sc start OptionsPlusUpdaterService</instruction>

I hope this helps someone out there. Figuring this out actually brought back the fun to using this $100 mouse again for me.


I had multiple issues, similar to yours and not having any coding experience I found only one working solution... which was to downgrade from options plus to options. Since then, no issues.
Their software is one star out of five, while the hardware is really good. Four stars out five. That being said I see a lot of youtubers using MX Master series mouses and honestly having one of those I can say It is not that great. It just looks really futuristic and cool, but is very big and nobody of this youtube shills ever tell you that. They just tell you about the pluses. Nobody said a word about the non existent Logitech support or their software issues. Marketing and Design is more important to Logitech than their hardware actually working and I think this is a trend for all manufacturers.
This is what I like about Directory Opus. It is made by more practical people. Less fanfare and more functionality that is actually useful. Though business wise I see that the Logitech aproach works better, sadly.

Well, you have me on everything you wrote. I'm not going to argue with any of it. Logitech has really, really declined in the past years, above all else their support is next to non-existent. However, I am one of the worst when it comes to changing habits and things I am used to, and I have always had this unexplainable thing for Logitech hardware. Trust and believe that I have done some severe recommending to their probably unchecked customer recommendations inbox. So for the time being, I am just going to deal with things as they are.
I will ask one thing though, when did you last experiment with the Options+ program? When they first released it, it was buggier than bug soup with a side of bug toast. Now that they have all but erased the original Options, they have worked out a good bit of the bugs, but certainly not all of them. If you have a pricey mouse of theirs that you aren't using because of their software and you haven't tried it in a while, I'd say give it a very brief attempt and see if they have changed what ailed you in the past. I've got Mx3 mouse, and an Mx2 as backup lol. I'm really just a sucker for how customizable they make their hardware. Let me know if you make any progress!

If your button solves your problem, It is as good a solution as mine, I guess.

I am using MX 3, because the software issues dissapeared after going back to simple Logi. I don't remember where I downloaded it. It was not on their official site, some other software site. I suffered for a year on their Options+. Probably the worst piece of software I ever used. Like so bad, It is actually funny to remember all the trouble It gave me. I had dozens of issues and complained everywhere, my complaint post on reddit got most upvotes ever of all my posts. The worst of all was it forcing to save your settings in cloud. Like what the hell... and I couldn't save a backup offline, so everytime I reinstalled it I had to manually restore all the settings for the mouse and all the apps profiles inside logi+ :laughing:, because the software for some reason was not able to restore from their cloud :laughing:. I think it gave some PTSD :dizzy_face:.

Once I went to the previous version everything worked without any issues. And still works for two years now. The whole reason why the new software was created has to be some nefarious stuff, like collecting data or something. As long as there is no need to change this older software I won't touch it with a ten feet stick :grimacing:.

The fact that not even one of the dozens of videos about MX 2 or MX 3 I watched have told anything about these issues is a clear sign that fancy and well edited videos on youtube are not to be taken seriously. They exist to sell something, not to teach you or explain something.

That said, I found out about Directory through a video from a youtuber, called ThioJoe. So take everything I say with a grain of salt.