Long time reading a folder?

Hello. I am using the registered version Pro Edition 12.22 x64. After a recent update, every time I open this folder -

C:\Users\... ...\Budget Tracking\Procurement Documents

I see a gray bar with a green progress window that Says "Reading Folder" with an abort button available. (I've attempted to place a screenshot below here - although I don't see it in the preview.)

I do believe this location is part of windows indexed search and this behavior is new following an update to the DO software. The folder is large and contains may subfolders but if reference quite frequently. Is there a way to have DO keep this folder read and indexed outside of the windows indexing to speed this process up and stop it from attempting to re-read the folder every time I try to open it?

Thank you.

It shouldn't be related to Windows indexing. Opus doesn't use that if you're just going to a folder normally. It's only used when Windows Search is used.

What happens if you open the same folder in File Explorer?

Back in Opus, try turning off Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Sort shortcuts to folders like folders (if it was on; otherwise leave it alone), then read the folder into a new window. If that solves the problem, you probably have shortcuts in the folder pointing to network drives which are unreachable, or pointing some other thing which it takes a long time to check whether the target is a file or a folder.

Hello and thanks for the quick response.

The first time I right clicked on the folder from within DO and clicked on "Open in Explorer" it caused DO to close and re-open, then a File Explorer window opened up without delay. Once re-opened the right click behavior opened it up in File Explorer with no delay. I then opened up a side by side view of the folder tree in DO and again asked it to view that folder, and again, the gray bar "reading..." showed up. The item you mentioned in preferences was not checked, so I left it unchecked. I looked and did not see anywhere in the folder that is pointing to any unreachable network drives. The folder is 3.96 GB, containing 7,674 files and 847 folders. Oddly it is not the largest folder on my drive, nor the most congested, but it seems to be the only one exhibiting the behavior since upgrading to the latest version of DO.

Thanks again.

Could you generate some process snapshots while Opus is stuck loading the folder? We might be able to see from those what's happening.

Here's how to make them:

I've uploaded the file here for sharing due to size and had to add a .txt extension to force it to share nicely. I will leave this link active for an hour but would like to kill it asap.

Please make more than one, and email the result to us. (The instructions have all the details of how many to make and where to send them.)

We need more than one so that we know we're looking in the right place, and the files should not be shared via the forum as they will contain private data such as your Opus licence details.

I've just sent a couple of dmp files to the email address. Sorry for not reading the whole instructions first. I learned a few valuable tips from the dmp file instructions.

Thanks for the second snapshot. The instructions say to make 5 by the way.

But it looks like the snapshot was made while Opus was not doing anything. None of the Opus threads in either snapshot is reading a directory.

Were the snapshots taken while you could see the "Reading folder..." message on your screen at the same time?

I just sent a link for 3 more dump files and made sure that each of them were dumped while the "Reading Folder..." bar was actively on the screen. I might have been too slow on coordinating this on the first ones, so they might provide a better comparison of what it was doing in an idle state compared to these 3 that were definitely dumped while DO was reading the folder.

It looks like Windows is hanging, or taking a long time, when we ask it for information about that folder's sync status.

Is it inside a folder that is synched with OneDrive or DropBox?

It is a one note folder. This did not occur in the previous versions of DO, only following the latest update if that information is of any help.

Thank you for looking into this.

Previous versions disabled some aspects of cloud storage support, due to bugs in Windows 10, but those issues are fixed now (as far as we can tell), so support is enabled again by default.

If you go to that folder in File Explorer, does the Availability column work there?

I pulled up a file explorer window and activated both availability columns. One of them populated, the other did not, but everything works fine in file explorer.

I sent a screenshot of the file explorer window to the dump email address for further details.



That's definitely a cloud storage folder, based on the File Explorer screenshot.

Could you please run RegEdit.exe and then go here:


right-click it and choose Export, then zip that up and send it to us?

(Please use a private message, or WeTransfer/email as before, in case there's anything private under that registry location.)

That should tell us the type of cloud folder, and might give us a way to at least avoid trying to query it, if there are problems with it.

If I did it correctly, I believe I just sent you the zip file via private message.

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Many thanks! That was the right data.

We're investigating what we can do on our side.

No, thank you for devoting this much time to one user's issue!

You mentioned potentially disabling queries for this folder. For what it's worth, working with that specific folder is the reason I purchased your program, and it worked without incident prior to the last update.

I'm stating these merely as matters of fact, as your efforts to assist have made me an impressed customer, so please don't take anything stated as a complaint.

Thanks again!

Don't worry, whatever happens you will still be able to work within that folder. Certain functionality was disabled by default in OneDrive folders in the previous version, and enabling them again is what has triggered the issue. (The issue looks like it is in the OneDrive client, which we may not be able to fix, but we can avoid querying it to prevent the issue from occurring.) If you were happy with how things were in the previous version then there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

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Good morning from Pennsylvania USA. While we don't know who our next president will be just yet, I'm happy to report that, having installed this morning's beta, 12.22.1 x64, and enabling the new " Preferences / Folders / Folder Behavior / Display extended sync attributes for cloud folders option", and restarting DO, opening the problem folder now occurs without delay.

For the moment, we can consider this issue resolved. Thank you very much for your assistance with working through this issue!


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If it works with the new option enabled then that's strange. Enabling it should make everything work as it did in 12.22. Disabling it makes some things behave the way they did in 12.21.

I wonder if Windows was updated around the same time or something else.