Lost ability to drag/drop & cut/paste

I have been having this problem with Opus for a while now and have searched the forums for support advice but cannot figure this out.

If I start up Opus I can drag & drop or cut & paste about 2-3 times successfully then I get the 'no drag' icon if I try from then on out. (same with cut & paste - nothing happens with a ctrl-c or ctrl-v). I have looked at my File Type options based on other forum posts, I've uninstallled misc programs that I thought could have been interfering but nothing seems to help. Any ideas or recommendations?

I uninstalled 2 programs (should've done one at a time, but oh well) and Opus started working properly again with drag/drop & cut/paste. The 2 programs were WinCE Cab Manager and WinAgent tFTP server. Just a head's up to everyone else that one or both of those programs will interfere!

A conflict between Opus and WinCE CAB Manager was recently discovered and, with kind help from one of the WCM team, a solution was found which will be part of Opus 9.

Here's the thread:


The problem was Opus's fault and not WCM's but WCM is the only thing we know of so far that was affected by the error.