Lost "Send to" and "open With"

Yes, I have searched forum and manual, no success.
Computer crash, new computer, install programs. Now DO8 does not show either "Send to" or "open With" on context menu or anywhere else. How does one USE the raw commands OPENWITHMENU/S, SENDTOMENU/S? I don't want them on TOOLS list, but would welcome them on FILES pull-down.
To experts, answer is trivial, but this is me. :confused:

Do you see the menu items if you hold shift when right-clicking files?

That's interesting! Shift about doubles the number of entries. I've never had to use shift with right click previously. Can you explain?
Oops! Not a complete solution, because the shift does not help if I have highlighted more than one file. I'd still like to get back the behavior I'm used to -- namely, right click without shift shows full menu, same as WinEplr [because it is better, not just because I am used to it].

Sounds like you've turned them off via Preferences / Miscellaneous / Windows Integration / Hide Windows items on file context menus :slight_smile:

Good for you! That is what I done did. Thanks.