Loving the new "Custom Icon" labels

In the release notes, Jon shows how he applies a "Hi-Def" icon to images over a certain size.
Been meaning to try out the feature, and... love it! :thumbsup:

Here's how I use it so far... curious and eager to hear other creative ideas for these custom icons!!!

My DVDs are ripped to my hard drive with a naming convention:
7.6 Snow White (1922).mkv
where 7.6 is the IMDB rating and (1922) is the year.

  1. Applying a custom icon to movie files (extensions such as mkv, avi, ...)
  2. Applying a custom "quality star" icon to movies with an IMDB rating above 7.5.

How do you use custom icons / Any cool ideas?

I am very fond of old TV series. So, when im working through the seasons, i apply a "checked" icon
for every episode i've watched, which makes much sense, when watching several series, pausing etc.
I did this with the old label style already, but this looks more stylish now.

Another great thing is, that we can use wild card filters. For example, i just had the idea for my
photo hobby, to use different icons depending on the cameramodel EXIF, even though i didn't test
it yet, if it's available in the filters. :thumbsup:

A "Checked" icon... Nice!
I color the episodes I've watched, but an icon sounds better.

Wild card... Yes! To iconize the files with a high imdb rating, I use a regex filter. But there is so much more lurking in these menus (path length... shell column?) There must be some great ideas floating around about how to create really cool labels.
One that was in a Leo Video that we use and love is to automatically bold files that are newer than 24 hours.

Here's what I got up to....

Makes my Zappa collection look even better.

Thanks to steve for the icon... [url]Miscellaneous Icons]

I still think this system would offer a lot more flexibility if the devs could give us the option to apply these icons in addition to file icons, instead of overriding them. That way we still know what the files are, we can keep existing file labels (I like my cartoons to be blue!), and we can toggle the status icon column on/off.

Here is a gorgeous mockup with lots of icons that don't mean much in this context, but maybe they will get your brains turning on all the possibilities a little revision to this system could offer. We could visually mark a file as watched, love, hate, awesome, terrible, rerun, bad quality, incomplete, draft, needs to be reviewed, etc)

And how cool would it be to have a toolbar filled with all these little icons - just click a button and it applies that icon label to the file!

In conclusion, please separate file and folder labels (text and background color) from icon labels. It's just the right thing to do.

Well, that can be done already. just set up a button using something like

@nodeselect Properties Setcolor=example1

You can dedicate a whole toolbar to this task, or, like i, use several shortcuts like ctrl-1, ctr-2, etc., plus alt-1 to alt-0 (which is reset here). After a short while
you can remember, which is which, & it saves space, too. Additionally, i also have those labels inside the context menu, holding some extra labels, which i use rather
rarely (by the way, having so many possibilities through the new icon labels, it wouldn´t be bad to have some sub menues in the colors menu :wink: )

That´s a decent idea, which also would solve the priority problem (currently we can use only one label at the same time). I could keep my file types wildcard colors,
& still be able to mark files newer than 168 hours.

An icon just for one particular artist... Yes, that makes sense. Sheik Yerbouti!

Realizing now that what I'd really like to know is not just the cool ideas everyone has come up with to use custom icons…
but also ideas to use custom labels: which kinds of files do you want to set apart by labeling / iconizing them?

Oh, yeah, and long live English grammar.

I used this just to test the custom labels but liked it so much that I decided to keep it.

I will make a company logo icon and apply it to the wildcard company_name. Now if that doesn't impress people enough to purchase a copy when I create a file with that company name in it, nothing will.

@abr Can you share your "checked" icon please? I like your idea. Previously I would do the same as playful and colour the episodes I've watched but the checked icon is a much neater idea.

Sure. & thanks! :slight_smile: Please note, that the labels are not as smooth as some others may be. But i like to use them anyway (the one called "accept").
CheckedIcons.zip (16 KB)

They look perfect... thanks abr.

An option to display the icon image in the SETLABEL menu would be nice. Is this possible?

Also, in the meantime it would be good, if we could organize labels into sub folders. :wink:

When Custom Icons in preferences, but not in filetypes settings?

In Filetypes I have complete groups for every type of files (music, pictures, movies) and would be good set custom icons on these groups there, but not duplicating such groups in prefs (file & folder labels) again.

"When" read as "Why".

And when forum will allow to edit my own posts? )))

strimii, you can do that already. Just use grp:Archive, grp:Images, grp:movies etc. in
your label´s preferences, or how your file type groups are called.

Never, in this part of the forum. It already does in other parts. There's a FAQ which explains why.

In synchronized folders (like Dropbox, SkyDrive, etc) custom icons overlaps sync status signs like green checkmarks.