Major bug v9.5.2

This bug has been in every version I tried since 9.1

I have set opus to replace explorer, so when I go to start and select my computer. It usually opens a lister right away, but sometimes it just hangs up whole explorer shell and its frozen until I close another program that I have been just using and then opens lister right away and shell unfreezes, but if I don't close another program, then it will maybe start after time or not at all. Restarting explorer shell doesn't help because after I click my computer again it will hang up again. I don't know what the hell is going on and why sometimes I have close a random program to make it open another lister. This is very weird bug, that don't have to do anything with programs that I use because usually I have to close last program no matter what it is (firefox, visual studio, photoshop,...) Also this has nothing to do with windows because I have tried it on fresh install and its same thing. I also got lots of ram free at all times usually its about 650mb/3.5gb in use. I dont know if this bug still exists in opus 10 because i haven't tried it.


Asus formula iv
amd phenomII X6 1090T
4gb ram ddr3 1833mhz
primary disk is 120gb ssd disk
vapor-x radeon 5870 1gb
winxppro x86

I can't think what would be causing that. It must be a conflict with something.

If you list what's installed on your system something might stand out.

Try the steps (that seem relevant) in the FAQ on general troubleshooting suggestions, too.

Obviously this isn't something other people are seeing or we'd have hundreds of complaints from such a major problem, so there must be something on your system that is at least triggering the problem.

I wish I could share the fix but for some reason the problem disappeared.
I am running Windows 7, dual monitors, exterior hard drives and probably much more that adds to the confusion. But like I said the problem disappeared.

It was a twofold problem. I was also missing the desktop right click that gave me the option of opening saved listers. That also resolved itself.


None of that is unusual or likely to be related. :slight_smile:

With the menus, I'd guess that (unless the menus were simply turned off), the registry details for Opus had been damaged (maybe due to a 'registry cleaner' aka 'computer breaker') and reinstalling it (or installing an update) corrected them. Or some program was interfering with Opus's components (e.g. anti-virus or firewall software can go wrong from time to time).

With the problem from the original post, it sounds more more like the Windows DDE system is locking up, which can happen if an app in the system becomes unresponsive (since DDE has to broadcast to all open windows and if one doesn't respond it has to wait). Why that is happening (if it is the cause in the first place) could be any number of things. In my experience, it's often due to network drives mapped to computers that aren't there, which for some reason can make all sorts of things block while waiting for a network timeout (even things that aren't directly accessing the drives themselves). Just a guess, though.

I have just uninstalled indie volume program (enables to control volume in each program in xp) because its bit buggy and sometimes causes other programs to crash, that program might have caused this problem.
I have to try running sending a command to open a directory again from my visual basic applet as it triggers bug almost every damn time unlike explorer shell

Looks like it works fine now. Applet opens the specified path in opus every time without freezing for 1 minute and waiting for lister to open. Problem was the indie volume program which integrates itself in every program to be able to control its volume. It also ads its own option "indie volume" in program menu (menu with commands restore, minimize, move, close,..) and opus also add in same menu its own commands on all listers, so that probably causes conflict which makes opus lockup sometimes.

The only reason I think why opus does not lock up all the time with indie volume enabled is because indie volume sometimes do add its own option in program menu and sometimes it doesn't.

None of that is unusual or likely to be related.<<

Sorry. I don't know how that could have happened but I had placed that post in the wrong topic.