Wondering if it's possible to make a button that copies a selected file into the same directory with the same filename but with a date/time suffix added on the end?
So, select "thisisafile.txt", click on the button, and now the directory would contain "thisisafile.txt" and "thisisafile_2007-05-17_17-31.txt"?
Would be handy for my 'make a copy before modifying a file' work process.
Copy DUPLICATE AS "*_{date|yyyy-MM-dd}_{time|HH-mm-ss}"
That works but it puts the date/time after the file extension, which isn't ideal. I can't see a way to specify a "from" pattern for the Copy command (without making it ignore the file selection and copy all matching files, whether selected or not). Might need a feature request but I'll wait and see if it's already possible via something I haven't thought of.