Make MOVE the default for a drag&drop to diff partition?


Since i don't like my system cluttered with copies & copies of copies, I really would like to have the default behaviour for drag&dropping between different partition to be a MOVE action instead of the current COPY ? Is that possible to do please ?


It looks like there is no convenient way of doing that at the moment. One possible approach perhaps would be using the @ifpath/@ifpath:else modifiers.

Changing the drag & drop event for all files and folder to COPY MOVE works between volumes. Have you tried this with a partition?

Just to chime in here: I very much appreciate the current default behavior of having a copy rather than a move when dragging across partitions.

In the past, there have been too many times that I've dragged and dropped files into intermediate directories, accidentally moving when I wanted to copy. These days, I take advantage of Opus' default COPY behavior across partitions like so: when I want to create an intermediate set of files without affecting the original directory, I specifically create that intermediate directory on a separate partition, so that I can freely drag and drop into it without worrying that I might be moving an important file out of its place.

Thus, while I can understand why some users might appreciate having a configuration option to change the behavior of drag-and-drop operations, I am strongly in favor of keeping the default behavior as it is.

Via the FAQs, HOW TO: Always MOVE/COPY files on a drag & drop.

Thanks, Leo! I'm going to make my default for drag-and-drop to be "copy" in all cases, which solves my anxiety about accidentally moving files. And I imagine that Gerd is going to do the opposite, making it "move" in all cases.

The ability that Opus provides customize the program to fit so many different styles astounds me again and again! Wonderful!

Via the FAQs, HOW TO: Always MOVE/COPY files on a drag & drop.[/quote]
Great, thanks you so much !
Small Q remaining, when i do want to copy instead, i can still do that using the rightclick D&D, right ? :slight_smile:

You have both by default, in your right click dialog, copy & move, so the answer is yes. Note, that you also can customize the right click drag & drop dialog.

Thanks abr ! :slight_smile: