Following snippet from a code is not elegant, i know.
Is there a way to make the list more compact, like using brackets and pipe characters?
rename pattern " Cd " to " CD " findrep
rename pattern " Bbc " to " BBC " findrep
rename pattern " Cd" to " CD" findrep
rename pattern "Dvd" to "DVD" findrep
rename pattern " Dj " to " DJ " findrep
rename pattern "Mca" to "McA" findrep
rename pattern "Mcc" to "McC" findrep
rename pattern "Mcd" to "McD" findrep
You can't turn them all into a single pattern, since it wouldn't know which replacement to use. But you could use a rename preset which runs a script and does all of it at once, and then run that from a single command. That would be more efficient.
If regular expression capture groups could be referred to in the new string markers with a Werb character that changes lower to upper case, this could be very simple to do.
I don't know really, perhaps something like /1\~[a-z] or something else ...
That could work for some of the renames. But the whole list is a mixed bag of things, so i would have to stick to some sort of list, or split it up into different rename buttons.
rename pattern " Cd " to " CD " findrep
rename pattern " Cd" to " CD" findrep
These could be combined into just rename pattern " Cd" to " CD" findrep for the second one will initiate anyways.
Another thing to note is that to convert to uppercase, a (VB/J)Script will be needed. So even if made more compact, it doesn't end up that much more compact (if at all).
With an if/else if VB/JScript, you could combine the Mc ones for one condition (Mc[acd]) and the rest for the other condition (separated by |), under one and the same button. If you would want to go that route.
function OnClick(clickData) {
var cmd = clickData.func.command,
pattern1 = / Cd| Bbc |Dvd| Dj /g, // patterns to set to uppercase, with a g(lobal) modifier to change all occurances in the file name
pattern2 = /(Mc)([acd])/g; // patterns to set acd to uppercase. Capture group $1 will be Mc, $2 will be [acd];
cmd.deselect = false;
for (var sel = new Enumerator(clickData.func.sourcetab.selected); !sel.atEnd(); sel.moveNext()) {
var name = sel.item().name_stem, // name without extension
newname = false; // variable to store the new, modified pattern
if (name.match(pattern1)) {
newname = name.replace(pattern1, function(match) {
return match.toUpperCase();
} else if (name.match(pattern2)) { // remove "else" if you want to run pattern1 and pattern2 both on the same filename, if both can occur
newname = name.replace(pattern2, function($0,$1,$2) {
return $1+$2.toUpperCase();
if (newname) { // just to make sure it won't run if there is no modified pattern, otherwise the new name may end up empty or undefined
cmd.RunCommand("rename pattern \""+name+"\" to \""+newname+"\" findrep");
True, although in this case it's not that much shorter. I find that for beginners it's a bit more clear what is happening exactly and how to put it in the button so that it works. Also, the pattern can be put on or near the top (easier to reach and adjust).
As a rename script (Function: Standard Function):
@script JScript
function OnGetNewName(getNewNameData) {
var pattern1 = / Cd| Bbc |Dvd| Dj /g, // patterns to set to uppercase, with a g(lobal) modifier to change all occurances in the file name
pattern2 = /(Mc)([acd])/g, // patterns to set acd to uppercase. Capture group $1 will be Mc, $2 will be [acd];
file = getNewNameData.item,
name = file.name_stem, // name without extension
newname = false; // variable to store the new, modified pattern
if (name.match(pattern1)) {
newname = name.replace(pattern1, function(match) {
return match.toUpperCase();
} else if (name.match(pattern2)) {
newname = name.replace(pattern2, function($0,$1,$2) {
return $1+$2.toUpperCase();
if (newname) {
return newname+file.ext;
EDIT: a direct translation of the OP, making it much more compact (also without the comments), at the little cost of it being as efficient also:
@script JScript
function OnGetNewName(getNewNameData) {
var file = getNewNameData.item,
newname = file.name_stem.replace(/ Cd| Bbc |Dvd| Dj /g, function(match) { return match.toUpperCase(); });
newname = newname.replace(/(Mc)([acd])/g, function($0,$1,$2) { return $1+$2.toUpperCase(); });
return newname+file.ext;