Metadata from script

I am new to vb scripting in opus and wonder if one of you gurus could give me a little help?

I have created a script that puts a string into a variable. I want to transfer the value of that variable into the Copyright field of of any picture(s) I select in Opus, but cannot for the life of me work out how to do it.

I know I could use the metadata panel, but the type is so small and my age so advanced that I find it very uncomfortable to use.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If it helps here is the code so far to create variables of metadata I enter into a form through a series of editboxes@nodeselect dim roggy,capto,photog,subo,keyw,titlo Function OnClick(ByRef clickData) Set Dlg = DOpus.Dlg Dlg.window = clickData.func.sourcetab Dlg.template = "Metadata" Dlg.Show DOpus.Output "Copyright Holder " & Dlg.Control("copyright").Value DOpus.Output "Caption " & Dlg.Control("caption").Value DOpus.Output "Subject " & Dlg.Control("subject").Value DOpus.Output "Photographer " & Dlg.Control("photog").Value DOpus.Output "Keywords " & Dlg.Control("keyword").Value DOpus.Output "Title " & Dlg.Control("title").Value roggy = Dlg.Control("copyright").Value capto = Dlg.Control ("caption").Value subo = Dlg.Control ("subject").Value photog = Dlg.Control ("photog").Value keyw = Dlg.Control ("keyword").Value titlo = Dlg.Control ("title").Value roggy = "© " +roggy End Function

What is defeating me is how I get these variables into the metadata fields of the pictures I have selected. If anybody could help I would be very grateful.

Forget it guys. I finally figured how to do it.

There are quite some good examples how to do this and if you're a bit experienced, you can make it on your own.
You proofed that. o) We hopefully will be of help to you next time, so plz keep asking! Getting no response is not the regular case. o)