I've been using Directory Opus for a few weeks and combined with Listary and the upgrade to Windows 10 (I was on 8.1) it's completely changed my windows experience. I had been on Mac OS X for over a decade (OpenBSD prior to that) but the Windows 2-in-1 Touch is very interesting.
I'm very excited about the new Surface Book, and the tablet mode for Windows 10...
What are your thoughts on making a touch version of Directory Opus. Obviously it would have to limit features, and due to the Windows Store sandboxing, might not be able to sell via the actual windows store (perhaps only a light version controlling it's own folders) but this could be a way to attract more users.
Also, corporate users may be able to set up their own preferences inside the regular version of directory opus, and then to transfer all of these defined colors/styles/toolbars/folder preferences to their users for a streamlined workflow. As an individual users, that's sort of the way I see it as well - in touch mode I wouldn't want to get to EVERYTHING at once, but the 20% of things that I use 80% of the time, that could be very useful in touch mode...
Curious if this is something the Directory Opus team has been thinking about.
I use DO ~3 years on my tablet, the config is nearly the same as on my PC. You just need to change few font-sizes (or line heights) to get it touch-friendly, but a complete touch-friendly-interface isn't possible I think (e.g. you have no middle mousebutton).
For real productive work I still use mouse on tablet because it's simply faster and more precise (I wouldn't also work with Photoshop using touch only). For me touch is a nice feature when not at home/office, but actually can't replace mouse and keyboard. Of course talking bout professional usage, not "playing around" by running an app, checking some mails or writing some shortened messages.
Good point --- much of the customization is already possible.
So can Directory Opus detect Windows 10's "Tablet Mode" and reload all open windows with a different configuration?
Or can I make two different shortcuts to directory opus, one for desktop mode and one for tablet mode (I use a 2-in-1 touch) so that I can easily move between two very different configurations?
It looks like the Opus "Layout" provides most of the options needed to make a touch friendly interface view, and the
[ ] "Create Shortcut to this layout"
[ ] "Close all existing listers when loading this layout"
Combine this with a "Style" customized for touch and some toolbars customized for touch but can we also customize the colors and fonts for the touch friendly layout?
The Text Zoom feature doesn't seem like a viable option as it only changes the file list size of the lister, not the directory tree or the size of toolbars.
Is it possible to update all of the settings from Display > Colors and Fonts from inside Directory Opus's built in scripting?
There isn't a built-in way to change font settings on the fly, other than editing them via the Preferences GUI. However, the config files are just XML text files so it would be possible to make a script or batch file which exits Opus, modifies the font sizes, then restarts Opus. (Or you could swap between two config files, but there are a lot of other settings in the file with the font sizes, so you probably would not want to do that.)
/dopusdata/Config Files/prefs.oxc is the file. If you do go down that path, be sure to keep backups in case any changes go wrong.