Microsoft Office Word 365 files and descript.ion comments

I have been using the descript.ion comment system for years in Opus and it continues to work great for me.

However when I enter descriptions for Word 365 .docx documents, the comments are correctly entered and displayed in Opus, but the descript.ion file is nearly empty. I have 550 Word files stored in a Dropbox folder, and every one of those files has a description that I've entered with Opus, yet the descript.ion file only has 19 entries.

Furthermore when I open one of those .docx files in Word, the comment I entered in Opus is also entered in the document comments section inside the Word document.

Everything works though, I'm just confused as to how it works. It's like Word 365 imports the descript.ion descriptions as comments?

Has anyone run across this before?

I'm using Opus 12.9x64

Opus prefers to write comments into the file itself, if Opus or Windows (or shell extensions, etc.) know how to do so for a given file format.

Only if it doesn't know how to will it fall back on using descript.ion files or NTFS ADS metadata (depending on the Preferences setting).

Ah, thanks for that Leo, that makes sense, I just never realized it before and was surprised when I looked at the nearly empty descript.ion file.

Thanks again!

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