Minimizing a branch in the 'Folder Tree' takes me to that Folder!

Suppose I am in the Downloads Folder and whenever I click the 'Arrow Icon' beside the Quick Access Folder in the 'Folder Tree' it takes me to that particular folder (Quick Access) always.


How can I stop this? Please Help!
This happens with other Parent Branches of folders too!

You can't stop it. That is how standard tree controls work and how they have always worked, at least outside of recent versions of File Explorer which are doing something strange these days (because File Explorer has turned the tree into more of a Favorites list or something, almost entirely de-coupling it from the file display; Opus has other ways to do that kind of thing).

If you collapse a branch, you can no longer see the items below that branch, and if one of them was selected the selection goes to the parent.

Hmm, ok
Here's another thing I would like to ask

I can always keep the branch of 'This PC' open.
Wouldn't it be good if I had the ability to always keep certain folders branches open?

Opus will remember the top-level folders which were expanded when you save the default lister. We're thinking about a way to extend this in the future.

Also, please Ask one question per thread