If Preferences / Miscellaneous / Windows Integration / Hide Windows items on file context menus (shift overrides) is turned on then it will only appear if you hold shift when right-clicking.
Probably obtained from this forum long ago, I have Windows items hidden, but have explicitly added Open With to the context menu so that it always appears.
If you want to do that, click Settings, then Filetypes....
Select All files, then click Edit.
Click Context Menu, then New....
For Action, enter Open With(anything, really).
For Function, make sure Standard Function (opus or external) is selected.
In the large box, enter FileType OpenWithMenu.
Click OK twice, then Close.
Honestly, it did cost my quite some time and frustration to finally arrive at this point. I had set the "Hide Windows Items ..." a while ago and forgotten about it. When I later routinely wanted to "open with" I was baffled that this option was not available since I consider it an essential function that I definitely would expect to find in Directory Opus available per default.
Please consider having this function available as default, not tied to "Windows Items". I recon that most users that use DO are the kind of people that want that type of control as standard.