Mistakes in German translation Opus 12.x (e.g. Dialog Editor)

There are several mistakes in the German translation for the dialog editor.

Space Evenly Across, Down
Space Evenly Across is translated with Leerzeichen gleichmäßig verteilen, but should be Gleichmäßig horizontal verteilen.
"Leerzeichen" is e.g. the space between two words and doesn't fit here at all.

Space Evenly Down is translated with Leerzeichen gleichmäßig entfernen, but should be Gleichmäßig vertikal verteilen.

Make Same Width , Height , Size
make same width is translated with Auf gleiche Breite, but should be Auf gleiche Breite anpassen or Gleich breit machen.

make same height is translated with Auf gleiche Breite, but should be Auf gleiche Höhe anpassen or Gleich hoch machen.

make same size is translated with Auf gleiche Höhe, but should be Auf gleiche Größe anpassen or Gleich groß machen.

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Another mistake for radio buttons.

Check State is translated with Status prüfen, but I think better fits Standardzustand.

Status prüfen is the direct translation for Check state, but the meaning is check status as activity. So you would use this like "Check the status of the copy progress", but when I understand it correct with Check state is meant in this context "shall the radio button be marked by default or not".

The direct english translation for Standardzustand is default state.

Direct translation is "Prüfe Zustand" or "Zustand prüfen". In context I also would say "Standardzustand" or shorter just "Status" or "Zustand" (= selected/deselected explains what is meant here).

I've made a couple translations for apps and you often need to know the context and have to decide, which German expression is best to use, but also fits into GUI.

I found an issue in the FAYT settings. Find and Search are translated each to Suchen.



To be able to differentiate it the Find should be translated with Finden.
@anon94230625 Or do you know a better translation/differentiation?

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What's the difference between find and search here?

Its described in the help. Find will mark all matching strings in the file names listed in the current tab.
Search will do a windows search in the current dir and subfolders.

Then I would translate it with "Suchen" and "Windows-Suche", so it's clear what is meant.

I think the only problem is then to find the matching entry in the manual, because there is written Find and Search.


Out of the context and after reading everything you can derive it, but it is not directly obvious.

The other question would be if Find is really the correct English term for that was Opus does.

"Windows-Suche" is definetely best translation, as it is Windows search index.

For find I could imagine "In Lister finden", "Akt. Ordner durchsuchen" or just "Finden" (once you know that it finds in actual dir, it's ok to keep it short).

Difference: You find the pencil, you search for a pencil.

I found the next "mistake".

In the context menu is the entry Copy File Names and Copy Full Pathnames for English language.

For German language it is translated to Dateinamen kopieren and Vollständige Dateinamen kopieren.

The first one is correct, but the second one is not fully correct and not clear as long as you do not know what this entry does.
For better understanding I make a direct translation from German to English.
Vollständige Dateinamen kopieren --> Copy full file names So, there is no link to the path.

Better would be: Vollständige Pfadnamen kopieren. Then it matches exactly the English version.
I corrected it for my Installation, but maybe you want to update the official language file.

Edit: Same topic for the menu "edit" above the toolbars.
Interesting. In the button description is written "Pfadname", but the button label use "Dateiname"...

More a cosmetic issue: The entry is in both languages always in plural even if you select only one file/folder.


found this UI bug in german translation.

And a mistake in helpfile: https://www.gpsoft.com.au/help/opus12/index.html#!Documents/Icon%20Sets/Localization.htm

Wrong: "'Hochladen Sie dieses Bild" and “Hochladen Sie dieses Bild (ftpimage)”

Correct: "Laden Sie dieses Bild hoch" or ''Dieses Bild hochladen'' and
“Dieses Bild hochladen (ftpimage)” or "Laden Sie dieses Bild hoch (ftpimage)"

And everything above mentioned has not been fixed yet.

Many thanks. We will fix it in the next update.